skrezyna's 24g NC dx blog


Hey everyone,
I just picked up a 24g NanoCube deluxe with S-stand. I put 65% saltwater mix in and allowed room for displacement when adding the LR and LS which should be arriving tomorrow. This will be my first real attempt at SW.

100w Stealth heater, MJ 1200 mod, removed bioballs
Any and all suggestions are welcome.


I received the 35lbs LR and 60lbs LS yesterday and put it in (3-4" sandbed). I'm working on getting the salinity to .1024 and I threw in a piece of dead shrimp yesterday too.

I will be working on my aquascaping this weekend.


Active Member
Congrats buddy!!!!!!!
looks good so far! that is the best part, I love the "set-up" stage. I also like the s-stand very cool


Active Member
oops.. p.s. the whole "dead shrimp" thing is very overrated I have never cycled a tank like that, I always started with a small cuc and never had a problem. But from what I have heard the shrimp thing works too, good luck!


Im so excited that I have already been making up different stock lists because there are so many fish id like but can probably only have 3 fish and a shrimp. A false perc will be a definate.
Next thing to do after getting my paramters set is to get the cleanup crew. And I think I have an aquascape I like, Ill put up a picture tomorrow.


Active Member
Thats great! really go slow and enjoy this part of the hobby, like I said this is the best part! I remeber being excieted just picking out my LR! like I said I went to that place in orland park, and they have such a great selection I would spent like 2 hours just picking out the "perfect" rock
You are making me want to start another tank!! I saved your thread to my favorites so I will be looking regularly! cant wait to see more


Here are two shots of the aquascape I did last night:
Front view, Im not entirely sure what to do with the piece on the top, its just below the water line. Six pieces in all. I love the huge piece on the right.

Side view (notice holed out area on huge piece)

Salinity is now at .1024. As of now, there are lot of hiding spaces or tunnels they can navigate through which Im guessing is ideal. But some of the rocks are touching the back.. is that a no-no in aquascaping? I might have to redo it or break down one of the pieces.


Thanks, Jon. As you know, this has been a long time coming! How are your tanks doing?
Im so tempted to startup another tank before this one has even cycled!


Active Member
Looks good! I dont know if it matters that they touch the back or not, I had to look at mine to see, but mine dont. Again I dont know if that makes a diff. or not maybe someone else knows. I also have a rock with two holes that go all the way thru, its cool when you see the fish swim thru! You'r killin me I am really trying to figure a way to budget another small tank now


Originally Posted by joncat24
I just have a 24 gal aquapod right now. I moved and let my 180 and 29 gallons go.
Im sorry to hear that. I know you had spent some time and effort on the 180g. If I ever buy a house, I plan to have a huge tank.


Active Member
hey, do you find yourself starring at your empty tank wondering where to put stuff you dont even have yet?
thats what I did! and then just when you get you'r scap all done 2 weeks later you tear it all down and change it! I just did that, but I think I really like my new one!


Should I use something like proper pH 8.2 to get my pH up? Measured it with AP and its around 7.6 right now, about 3 days into my cycle.


Active Member
IMO, the less "chemical" the better. It seems they all help one thing , but then hurt another! I would leave it alone for awhile, still very new


Active Member
I wANNA HAVE 20 NANO TANKS, AHAHHAHA. Great looking Aquascapin. I WISH i HAD MORE LR. I think i'ma go into my money and spend more on some LR. Keep up the goodwork and i had to use some stuff to help my PH , its too late to look at name of product, Ill let ya know tomorrow. But it didnt hurt anything in my tank. :) But everyones different.


Active Member
hmmm I expect to see tumble weeds blowing across the screen here, hhheeelllllooowww is ther anyone out therrrrrrrrrrrr ???????