Skum on top of wtaer


New Member
i have a 55gal regular aquarium that i have had saltwater in for a bout 3 months. I am getting a film on the top of the aquarium and don'y know how to get rid of it.
I am currently running a RENA XP3 and a marineland 350, but nothinmg is pulling off of the top layer wheer the skum is.
AAny help would be greatly appreciated?


you can get attachments to some filters that will suck the scum off the top of the water, and you can also aim a powerhead torward the surface. the suface agitation will prevent the scum buildup, and increase the gas exchange/oxegennation of your water.


Active Member
I agree. I have a 55 too, and have a power head on each end with hydo flos on them, and they circulate really nice and break up the surface. It helps with ph too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I think you get something called a surface skimmer that you can attach to a filter.
Bingo. Its an attachment to your exsisting filter.


Active Member
I know Hagen Aqua Clean and also Eheim makes a surface skimmer that attached to the inlet water tubes of their HOB powerfilters, and they work very well. Less than $7.00 to buy them. They are installed by slipping the main tube of the skimmer into the the inlet water tube, in place of the inlet water tube thats there already. On this tube is an outet to which is connected a flexible tube that goes to another tube. In that tube is a clear plastic piece that floats on the surface, so its always at the level of the water you adjust it for. It will go up with increase n level or down as water evaporates. Its a basket sort of thingie that allows surface water to be pulled into it, and down through the flex tube into the main inlet tube. Only drawback is if you have a deep tank or like to have your filter pickup tube close to the bottom you may have to but additional uplift tube or such to adapt, but it can be done easily... I run mainly AC hob's and have these surface skimmers on all the tanks. They do not really take up any room to amount to anything and they work exceptionally well. YOu have to adjust them so you divide the suction of the hob to provide sufficieint suction to the bottom inlet of the main tube and the floating skimmer. The adjustment is easy and is done by turning a rod thats part of the main replacement tubes assembly. IMHO they are a great addition to a tank to get rid of film on the surface. I know breaking up the surface puts that film back into the water column so the filter can pick it up but the skimmer sucks it right off the top and does not remix the junk, so nasty stuff is removed quicker. Some tanks depending on how they are setup with rock etc do not lend themselves to lots of flow on the top, so these skimmers are great at removing film....
I view them as probably the best $7 I have spent on any of my tanks that use them.


I bought the remora c skimmer with the skimmer box and its doing both jobs really well no complaints. If you dont have a skimmer then this might be your answer.


Active Member
Here is a pic of a Hagen Aqua Clear surface skimmer added to a Aqua Clear 70 hob power filter. The AC 70 uses the same diameter pickup tube as the AC110 model. This skimmer comes with an adapter to fit the larger 1" diameter pickup tubes or the 1/2 or the 5/8" diameter pickup tubes. YOu remove the original pickup tube and replace it with the tube adapter that is then attached to the flex hose supplied with the skimmer (A in the pic). Off this tube is an outlet with a flex hose attached. It is routed to the original U tube where you removed the pickup tube from or if its another brand of filter you may need to cut the intake tube and use the adpater.
The new surface skimmer pickup tube (B) has a rod that is attached to a disk at the very bottom of the tube, where there is an inlet or strainer just like most pickup tubes have. It is mounted on the tank wall by way of suction cups that actually stay put, and has a snap in mount so you can pull the tube (B) off the mount and not deal with the suction cups. YOu turn the rod located in the new pickup tube to close off or open up the strainer at bottom of the new pickup tube, so you can divide the suction between it and the floating skimmer part C. The rod that you use to adjust extends up through the floating skimmer head C so its accessible to adjust without a need to get your hands in the water, and also acts like a guide rod to hold the floating skimmer head in place. There is a hollow space under this floating skimmer head that traps air as you place it over the guide rod and into the new pickup tubes top end. This allows it to float and go up and down as water levels change in the tank due to evaporation. You can adjust it for a good full suction on the top, or a slight. I find a slight suction will keep uyp with most tanks once initial film has been removed and works just fine, so most of the suction is then diverted to the lower intake strainer at the tubes bottom just like a regular pickup tube works. For thre price its hard to beat, and my surface water is spotless. Adjusted right, they are relatively quiet, and you have to pay attention to hear it. It may or may not work on all filters, as the filter needs to have good suction, which aqua clears are noted for. The only difference betweenthis surface skimmer and the Eheim model is the Ehiem only comes with an adapter to fit a 1/2" diam pickup tube whereas the Aqua clear model has an adpater to fit 1/2 as well as 1" diameter pickup tubes. I have run this surface skimmer of an Aqua Clear AC20 MINI. I adjust it so most suction is diverted to the skimmer portion of the pickup tube, and use filter bat in the filter itself, and its does a super job of removing surface scum, catching it as well as providing additional circulation. YOu can get a AC 20 MIni for about $12 so for under $20 bucks you can have a power surface skimmer on any sized tank that will do the job, or add it to an exisiting filter. I used to run them in my 2 gala pico tanks until I built my own skimmers. IN the pic you can see the actual water level on the filters U tube portion and the rest of the stuff above is just a reflection of whats under the water, so its not as large as it appears to be overall.