Well, all my shrimp have molted at least once, as well as my emerald crabs. Everyone has been eating and everythings been doing good...until Pepe went missing.
Pepe is/was the skunk cleaner shrimp. I figured he molted and was just hiding for a bit (although it could have been a peppermint that molted), but it's been a week now and he is nowhere to be seen. Who could have gotten him? As you can see by my signature, I don't have anybody that's aggressive.
• 55 gallon setup with Penguin 330 Bio-wheel filter (BioWheel taken off) • JBJ Retrofit PC lights - 260 watts • 50 lbs LR, 130 lbs LS • 2 False Percs • blueberry, red, blue, and striped mushrooms • palm tree coral (or anemone...not sure, but the LFS said it was called "palm tree") • 1 big feather duster • 6 blue hermits, 5 scarlet hermits (and dwindling), 2 emerald crabs, 1 brittle star, 2 sand sifting crabs (and dwindling), 1 cucumber, 5 Cerith Snails, 5 astreal snails, 4 peppermint shrimp, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp (missing), and a bunch of weird little critters that came with the live rock
Pepe is/was the skunk cleaner shrimp. I figured he molted and was just hiding for a bit (although it could have been a peppermint that molted), but it's been a week now and he is nowhere to be seen. Who could have gotten him? As you can see by my signature, I don't have anybody that's aggressive.
• 55 gallon setup with Penguin 330 Bio-wheel filter (BioWheel taken off) • JBJ Retrofit PC lights - 260 watts • 50 lbs LR, 130 lbs LS • 2 False Percs • blueberry, red, blue, and striped mushrooms • palm tree coral (or anemone...not sure, but the LFS said it was called "palm tree") • 1 big feather duster • 6 blue hermits, 5 scarlet hermits (and dwindling), 2 emerald crabs, 1 brittle star, 2 sand sifting crabs (and dwindling), 1 cucumber, 5 Cerith Snails, 5 astreal snails, 4 peppermint shrimp, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp (missing), and a bunch of weird little critters that came with the live rock