Skunk Shrimp Died, WHY


New Member
I had a skink shrimp. We got him three days ago and paid $31 for him and last night out of no where he was dead. Yesterday afternoon he was swimming around walking on the plants all over, seen no signs what so ever. Then last night I got up to look up at him and he was in the back laying on his side dead. What could have caused this death, any ideas? I'm so confused since he looked fine and I thought everything was fine and then boom he was gone. Please let me know. I would appreciate it! :(


what are you water levels? especially nitrates? are you sure it's him and not the remains of him molting? did you have anyone in your tank that could kill him off (Flame hawk?)?


New Member
My levels are all 0 with nitrates very low, pet store informed me that everything was perfect. I don't think anything in my tank would have killed him off. I have the following:
2 blue damsels
2 neons
1 yellow tang
1 foxface
2 fire fish
1 dotty back
1 slug
1 spiny tailed star fish
1 anemone
Could any of these kill them off?
What about your ph? what about salintiy? I posted a reply to this same question in the invert section, if you keep bouncing around and posting the same questions in different spots your gonna get alot of scattered answers. Posts regarding invert problems should be in the invert section. Posts regarding ich, which is what your initial post was about, should have gone in disease and treatment. It will be beneficial to you if you post in the coresponding categories, notice that we are in the fish only forum and the question is regarding an invert, and your ich question was in the invert section, granted it was regarding why your shrimp wasnt cleaning but the problem was ich not a disfunctional shrimp. Ich is like a weed, if you dont kill the source it will keep coming back and most likely the source is either bad water quality, stress, or an infected fish from your lfs. You should also keep questions pertaining to the same problem going in the same thread so people can get the "big picture". sorry if this is long but im trying to help you get some answers, which is why we all come here.


New Member
Where do you get ich from on a skunk shrimp? I asked could have any of my vish or inverts have killed him. I know I don't have ich because I had Roxi over yesterday to check everything out and everything is perfect no ich defintely, everything is 0 nitrates are very low, so I don't understand where you are getting ich from on a skunk shrimp. He died why, not ich and no my tank and no ohter of my fishes have ich.


What about your calcium levels? Also, sometimes shrimp do not survive the molting process. This could be the reason. Just a thought. --Bob
Ilovefish, I copied this post from the invert forum. You posted it yesterday
I don't think my skunk shrimp is doing his job very well. All I have seen him do is stay in the back on of a decorative rock (not my live rock) and just sits and acts content. My yellow tang goes by him and starts rubbing up on the rock by him and tries to get close, why isn't the shrimp
getting on him and massaging him (parasite cleaning).I bought him because my foxface had ich spots on him and wanted to clean him and the shrimp has done nothing.
Does he maybe do it at night in the dark? How long does it take them to clean away on my tang and foxface or even come out in the front. I feel that I wasted $31 on him to just sit in the back of the tank behind the big rock. What do you think, any suggestions?
I think I may have misunderstood your post but it says the whole reason you got this shrimp was to treat your foxface because he had ich, which led me to believe that was your soltuion for ich and that you were concerned because the cleaner wasnt getting rid of it. You say that none of your fishes have ich in this post but in the post above you state that your foxface had ich, so maybe I am not the confused one here and since inverts are not affected by ich ofcourse I knew that was not the problem. So I got the ich problem from your other post. My reply on posting in the correct forum stands.
[ May 11, 2001: Message edited by: Saltwater Marauder ]


did you treat your tank for ich? especially anything with copper in it? from what ive been told any copper in your tank will kill your shrimp. if so youll have to run carbon in your filter for bout 2 weeks and then test it to make sure all the copper is out before you add another shrimp. dont know if you used anythign with copper, im just guessing at what couldve caused it. also just so you know, sometimes your just gonna get a fish that isnt gonna live through another acclimation procedure. id assume sometimes its the same way with shrimp, only problem is with a fish you can usually judge how good they will do, dont know if you can do that with a shrimp. good luck and like posted above make sure it is the shrimp that is dead and not just his moltings.