slang assistance


Active Member
you see alot of people asking about this abbreviation, or that
here are some of the most popular used on these boards
AC=Activated Carbon, or Alternating Current
AF=Aquarium Frontiers, an electronic magazine
AFK=Away from keyboard (also interpreted as A Free Kill in the game Quake)
AFAIK=As far as I know
AFM=Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine
AISI=As I see it
ALK=Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water
BOD=Biological oxygen demand
BRB=Be right back
BTW=By the way
CaCl2=Calcium chloride
CaCO3=Calcium carbonate
Ca(OH)2=Calcium hydroxide
CC=Counter current(when referring to skimmers)
CC also = Crushed Coral(especially here on these forums)
CO2=Carbon dioxide
CPU=Central Processing Unit (Computer)
CTA=Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane
CUL=See you later/catch you later
CUL8R=See you later
DC=Direct current
DD=Downdraft, type of protein skimmer
DI=Deionisation, type of water purification
DIY=Do it yourself
DVD=Digital Virtual Disk(not D Video D)
dKH=Degrees of carbonate hardness, measure of alkalinity
DO=Dissolved oxygen
DOC=Dissolved organic compound
DSB=Deep sand bed
FAMA=Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine
FO=Fish only, type of marine aquarium
FOWLR=Fish only with Live Rock, type of reef aquarium
FWIW=For what its worth
FYI=For your information
FYM=For your misinformation
GAC=Granular Activated Carbon
GBR=Great Barrier Reef
GMTA=Great minds think alike
GPH=Gallons per hour
HCO3=Hydrogen carbonate
HO=High output fluorescent light
HTH=Hope this helps
IE=Internet Explorer, WWW browser
IME=In my experience
IMEO=In my expert opinion
IMHO=In my humble/honest opinion
IMNSHO=In my not so humble/honest opinion
IMO=In my opinion
IOW=In other words
IR=Infrared, type of light with longer wavelength than visible light
IRC=Internet relay chat
ISP=Internet service provider
KALK=Kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater
KI=Potassium iodide
KISS=Keep it simple stupid
LFS=Local fish store
LHS=Local hardware store
LOL=Laughing out loud, or Lots of Luck
LPH=Litres per hour
LPS=Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
LR=Live rock
LS=Live Sand
MACNA=Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MASNA=Marine Aquarium Society of North America
MEQ/L=Milli-equivalents per litre, measure of alkalinity
MG/L=Milligrams per litre
MH=Metal halide, lighting
MO=Mail order
NaCO3=Sodium carbonate
NaOH=Sodium hydroxide
NNR=Natural nitrate reduction, reef setup technique
NO=Normal output fluorescent light
NP=No problem
NRN=No reply necessary
NS=Netscape, WWW browser
NSW=Natural seawater
OBTW=Oh by the way
ORP=Oxidative redox potential
OTOH=On the other hand
PC=Power compact, high intensity fluorescent light
pH=Measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, equal to -log[H+], (7 acidic, =7 neutral,)7 basic
PH=Powerhead, water circulator
PPM=Parts per million, equivalent to mg/l (milligrams per litre)
PS@=Playstation 2
PVC=Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping/plumbing
RAMR=Usenet newsgroup rec.aquaria.marine.reefs
RO=Reverse osmosis, type of water purification
RO/DI=Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification
ROFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLOL=Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO=Rolling on the floor laughing my *** off
RTN=Rapid tissue necrosis
RUGF=Reverse flow undergravel filter
SG=Specific gravity
SHO=Super high output fluorescent light, equivalent to power compact fluorescent
SiO2=Silicon dioxide
SITD=Still in the dark
SO=Significant other
SPS=Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
TDS= Total Dissolved Solids
TFC=Thin film composite, type of RO membrane
TFN=Thanks for nothing
TGIF=Thank God It's Friday
TIA=Thanks in advance
TIC=Tongue in cheek
TTYL=Talk to you later
TY=Thank You
UGF=Under gravel filter
UV=Ultra violet, type of light, shorter
wavelength than visible light
VBG=Very Big Grin
VHO=Very high output fluorescent light
WMC=Western Marine Conference, United States
WYSIWYG=What you see is what you get
YMMV=Your mileage may vary
YW=You're Welcome
YVW=You're very welcome
[ December 09, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]
[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]


Active Member
good god that's a lot of slang...I hope you found this somewhere and copied and pasted it....


Active Member
yessirree, that would have taken 4ever, just to think of them all, typing would have gone much faster, but 5 clicks was much easier by far


Active Member
sorry to have forgotten a few, especially cc and ls, but sometimess things slip my mind(checking over it I realized then that I may be missing something), no I wasn't bored, I just had read 3 or 4 responses in a row, where someone had asked what does ...... mean, so I thought I'd help out and borrowed this, to try and help out
BTW, CC is crushed coral
LS is live sand
TGIF is thank god it's friday
SOB will probably get edited as might PMS but we really don't need to elaborate there,
and TV is televistion LOL, hopefully that'll cover terms here, maybe there are few that I am missing, but OH WELL LIFE GOES ON
and if any one wants to add to it, feel free to stick something in there, within reason(just don't get me into trouble) I would really appreciate the help, if I am missing something


Active Member
maybe, can you close the thread, but still make it available, they did it elsewhere, and just kept bumping it to keep it current for a while
[ December 16, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]


Active Member
sammystingray, you mentioned keeping this up there, could we top it?, someone slese just joined and was naturally asknig, i don't want o myself, for I don't know whether i have the authority, but if you and or the other moderators wish to, top (and or close it)
Why not just create a link to a seperate page containing all the lingo and abreviations? Place a font size of like 15-20 just saying abreviations, or something of that manner,as the hyperlink. It could be linked from the same place we can access our profiles from on the BB main page.


Active Member
aquarius, in the 40 was and right now are, but they are slowly moving to the 75
2 firefish
2 green chromis
1 scooter blenny
2 benggai cardinals
1 blue gudgeon
2 cleaner shrimp
7 nassarius snails
3 turbo snails
1.5 to 2 inch of ls, and no lr(the 75 is MUCH easier with a dsb and lr)
[ December 20, 2001: Message edited by: fshhub ]


Sammy why don't yo put the abbreviation list as a screen that pops up after you have registered. That way every new member has to see it.


i agree with the idea of topping it because when i first got here i was clueless about abreviations