sleasia goes reef


Very cool tank! I like your cabinet as well!
The second to last picture is my favorite--it looks as though your clam?? is smiling and smoking a cigarette.
Sorry my humor is a little twisted sometimes.
Very nice tank!!!!


Active Member
dmschiff ... thanks, I'm kindof proud of my stand and tank since I built it myself with help from alot of forum members...its all on the thread "diy acrylic overflow on glass" in the equipment threads
steve24 - I have a 72" aquatinics t5 fixture which carries 14 t5 was back ordered for a month or so, thus the long wait. But was recommended by another member, and I'm very happy with it
NewbieABC - I think this coral was mislabeled, I think it might actually be a tree coral????not sure. Tree corals are not recommended, but it seems to be doing fine so far, so maybe its not really a tree cora.?'s the list, or what I think I have, depending on whether things are labeled correctly in the lfs. from left to right, top to bottom....
toadstool, cup coral, ?tree coral, flowerpot coral, button polyps with some red mushrooms, fox coral, ?finger leather, another type of leather coral, frags a(pink zoo, hard coral, and xenia), clam, lawnmower blenny, grocery store clams (x 2 pics)
thanks everyone...


Active Member
Sleasia, welcome to the world of...."where did all my money go?" and "you paid how much for that rock?" Reefing is a whole new world. Been there. I did fish only with live rock for 5 years, then went to the other side!!! Never regretted it one bit. More Advil has been taken since, but not once have I regretted it.
Not sure if you remember me, but you helped me tremendously about a year ago with my first tang in quarantine. I truely thank you. Unfortantly, he died but, I have a new one that has been with me for about 7 months, and a lot of my knowledge on hippo's came from you. Thank you.
And welcome aboard the reef train........ :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
saltn00b...the third pic in post #2 is called a fox coral, it opens up even more and is really a beautiful coral.


Active Member
Anonome, glad I helped someone with their fish.....With this reef stuff I'm back to being a complete novice again....Its all NMreef's fault...His photos were so beautiful and the clams just intrigued me so, because of their striking patterns...I had to try...its funny because now the kids think the 200 gallon tank is boring. My old fish are still there...nothing ever seems to go wrong with the 200 gallon tank, I've even left it without cleaning if for over a month once, because life got too busy to keep up, and still everyone was fine. I'm beginning to split the fish up and move some into the new tank. I transferred the bangaii and one small percula clown who was getting picked on into the new tank.