sleeper gobys

aqua blue

I have a Golden Headed Sleeper Goby that I've kept for about 8 months now. As they get more used to their surroundings they will become more active, especially if you have a sand bed. I have been able to feed mine shrimp pellets, after soaking them for a few minutes before dropping them in. The other fish don't care for the shrimp pellets and allow them to sink to the bottom where the goby can eat them. It will also eat flake food, frozen fish foods, and will ocasionally take a bite out of the seaweed that I put on a clip inside the tank. They keep the sand bed clean. And I get a kick out of the way it moves empty shells and sand piles in front of the cave that it has made home. This prevents the other fish from getting too nosy about the goby's chosen spot. It keeps the opening just large enough for it and not large enough for the other fish. I guess this has become a lengthly reply.


i just got 2 today. one is a orange diamond and the other i think is a golden head that you mentioned. it has a blue stripe in its head. i also have a watchman goby. the new additions serem to be doing great so far. they are both digging a lot already. the watchman was a little territorial but they found spots far away from him. by the way how to you make a list of what you have that will post when you reply to stuff?


when i had my gold headed sleeper the coolest thing he used to do was spitting the sand over the entrance of his burrow and when he was done covering the entrance he would dive head first through it into the hole. awesome to watch. unfortunately he jumped out of the tank years ago...never replaced him. definetly need to cover the tank with these guys.

aqua blue

If you want to list info about your tank you can add a "signature" to your profile that will show on all of your posts. Click on "user cp" at the top of the page, then click on "edit profile" then scroll down to the "signature" portion and add your list. I tried to make my signature somewhat compact to prevent adding so much extra space to any reply or post that I make.
Hope this helps.