Sleeper Gold Head Goby - your experience with sand sifting gobys please?


New Member
We purchased a Gold Head Sand Sifting Goby. We wanted this fish because our research indicated it would be good at keeping the sand clean.
Since adding him to our 54 gallon 24 hours ago, you cannot see into the tank with the cloud of sand/dust he has caused. We have the Old Castle tropical play sand as our substrate.
What is your experience with this fish? Should we return it to the LFS? We can't have our tank like this all the time. You can't see anything.


Active Member
had one tor three weeks took him back because he was making a mess with the sand and eating all the critters in my sand bed


New Member
How the heck did you catch him? We tried all day and just gave up a little while ago.


sorry not sure how to catch 1. But io had 1 and could not find enough food in sand so he died.


New Member
i have a diamond watchman goby that is alive and well after six months in my tank. when he first arrived i didn't think he was getting enough to eat because he was getting skinny. the other fish would swim to the top and eat the food before it sank to the bottom. now i break up frozen brine shrimp and feed the tank more. i also drop in shrimp pellets that sink straight to the bottom. the goby is now getting nice and fat. on the subject of cloudyness... my tank is a little cloudy, but my sand is nice and white. your substrate could be finer than mine. you might vaccum it to remove silt??? on getting fish out of tanks... the fastest way for me is to get several buckets and pull out the lr. i know this is a pain but in the end it has been easer and faster than other methods.
just my two cents


You really don't need a fish that has the name Sand Sifting in it. I have a 4 in. maroon clown(at least that is the color he is, but he has the same patterns of a pelicula (sp.)) He is the archetech of our tank. He swishes his tail and moves sand around to his liking, seems to keep my sand pretty clean. I just wanted to point out if u don't want a fish that cleans and sifts all the time, to do some research and get a fish that does it, but isn't known for constantly doing it.