Sleeping Clowns


I have had two false perc clowns for over 3 weeks now. They seem to be very healthy. They eat great, their color is fantastic. They are very active, will come up and eat flakes from my fingers and everything. But at night when my pc turns off and my moon lights turn on, the clowns go to the top of the tank and seem to sleep up there. They have very minimal movement until you walk in front of the tank. I was just curious if this is normal behavior or what. BTW, my water perameters are sg: 1.023, ph 8.2, amm 0, rate 0, rite 0.


is it normal for them to sleep at the very top of the tank, almost floating, I guess I didn't make that too clear


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ryno_mn
is it normal for them to sleep at the very top of the tank, almost floating, I guess I didn't make that too clear
yep they pretty much sleep where and how they want. Unless there is some other indication/behavior that is different then its just their sleeping habits.


Totally normal!

I remember when I got my first percula. Walked into my office and the lights were not on yet and I peeked in the tank and my heart sank to the bottom because it looked like my little clown was dead and floating at the top of the water. I didn't see any movement. Then when I was directly in front of the tank where it must have noticed me, it perked up and swam right up to me, bobbing up and down!

So no worries, it is totally normal for them to sleep like that if they have not found something to host.


Active Member
This is a very normal behaver for clowns when they don`t have a coral or anemone to attend to .


Active Member
My pair of false percs did the same thing until they moved into my daisy gonipora.


my clowns kinda sleep upside down in the corner. hahaha... clowns are weird and funny fish... lemme tell ya what.


mines sleep on were my water goes to my refuge where it is drilled ans the other on a rock looking like its dead sometimes i get scares its goin to get sucked in or the other is dead but when i pass by they move