Sleeps on side?


I have had my 2 false percs for about a month now, in a cycled tank. All my parmeters are good. They booth used to sleep in the sand, until about 4 days ago when one started doing the jiggaboo dance to the other. Now the one that does the dance continues to sleep in the sand, the other goes to the top on her side. She only does this at night. When the lights are on she swims normal and eats normal, still plays with the other too, but never swims on side when lights are on. Is this part of the mating ritual or is she sick?


I've seen clowns sleeping in anemones on their sides; almost looks like they are about to become a meal, so it could be normal. Perhaps she just prefers the rock instead of the sand, or maybe it makes her feel more important to sleep above her mate.
"I call top bunk!"

tx reef

Active Member
Mine used to do the exact same thing. There is nothing to worry about. Clownfish have some of the strangest ways of "sleeping".


Clownfish do funny things, especially when they sleep. Some people even have clowns that float while they sleep. I have read stories of people mistaking them for dead, going to get the net, and then waking the clown up and its perfectly fine. As long as she is active and eating well, and your parameters are good, she is just a normal clown!


New Member
I have 2 clowns that both float at the top of the tank on their sides also. I just figured this was how they slept.


Active Member
yeah since the first day, mine just floats at the top in the corner on its side. alwayse woried me, but i guess it was ok


Active Member
Clownfish are so appropriatley named they can do some of the strangest things. Here is my maroon clown taking a nap in her anemone.



Originally Posted by SlackNation
I have had my 2 false percs for about a month now, in a cycled tank. All my parmeters are good. They booth used to sleep in the sand, until about 4 days ago when one started doing the jiggaboo dance to the other. Now the one that does the dance continues to sleep in the sand, the other goes to the top on her side. She only does this at night. When the lights are on she swims normal and eats normal, still plays with the other too, but never swims on side when lights are on. Is this part of the mating ritual or is she sick?
Mine does this.


Hey everyone,
Thanks for the helpful posts on the strange sleeping habits. I have had my tank for about 8 weeks now. I just added my perc two days ago. Each of the past 2 mornings I have been nervous for the little guy, thinking he is fighting for his life, as I see him floating in the mornings. He rebounds during the days and whenever the lights are on...... weird.