Slight Algae buildup.....Sand sifting star OR golby....See pics


Hello all.............Everything has been going awsome with my 125g for the last few months........All my fish look great and my corals are growing like wildfire............only issue is I have some greenish algea on my sandbed. I can control it if I sift the sand with my fingers and let my filters take it away but I know thats not good for the sandbed..........So, I am looking to either get a sand sifting star or a golby (or a pair if safe). Over 50% of my sandbed is exposed (not covered by live rock) so I think the starfish would be fine but I would rather go with the golby's...........any advice?????
If I go with the golby here is a list of ones I'm interested in.....Are some better than others for what I'm trying to accomplish??
- Diamond Golby (only 1)
- Firefish Golby (maybe)
- Golden Headed Sleeper Golby (1 or 2)
- Shrimpgoby - Yellow Watchman Golby
- Sleeper Banded Bullet Golby
- Tiger Goby
Heres a few pics of my algea so u can see what I dealin with



Diatoms maybe in there early stages...!!!
Couple of things to suggest, First, this is *normal* in new tank, infact it can hapen as a cycle in some tanks. They suck up "some sort of acid" then go bye bye. When i first had mine set up, it lasted for about 2 months, then went away.
2, vacuum, or pull it out if it gets too thick or over abundant. BUT in my experience, i would let that go...
3, some suggest that that is a "dead" spot in a tank, and seeing that you have a square tank, the corners can get ugly... try putting a low GPH PH pointed down towards the sand to get it moving...may help out.
I think there’s very helpful discussions on this forum about diatoms.


Active Member
um, that doens't look like all...that looks liek green algae >_>
i would get a sifting star, there cool and fun to whatch move around.


Thanks for the input guys
!!!!!!!!!!!! But now I have two different opinions
.........any others out there????


Nassarius snails live down in the sand and will come up when you feed,they do a decent job of stirring the sand up.also more hermits wont hurt. I find the scarlets work the sand a lot more than the blue legs but they grow quite large. A pistol shrimp with a couple of shrimp gobys do a good job of sirring things up,also my dusky jawfish is always digging around.


Any other thoughts?? I need to order some little friends if their gonna help my situation but I dont want to put them in my tank if what is growing is gonna hurt em.
I already have a decent amount of snail and hermits and a cuccumber.


New Member
I have engineer gobies in my tank, two sand sifting stars, nassarius snails, and cucumbers to move my sand. the four engineers are a blast to watch as they pick up and move sand constantly. The sand stars come out often and are great to watch.


Originally Posted by Dogluv
I have engineer gobies in my tank, two sand sifting stars, nassarius snails, and cucumbers to move my sand. the four engineers are a blast to watch as they pick up and move sand constantly. The sand stars come out often and are great to watch. large is your tank?? Do they do a good job of keeping the sand clean???