Slight water issues need advice.


Active Member
I have way to much xenia and I add 2 drops a week of Lugolos. I use a Salifert iodine test kit but never get a reading on it. I have taken a cup of water and added a drop to my testing solution to see if the kit actually works and I get an off the chart reading.
I do 20% water changes every 3 weeks and do not add any drops for a week after the change.
Here is a recent water sample:
Trates 2
Trites 0
Mag 1300
Ca 340
SG 1.025
Ph 8.1
Alk 8
Amm 0
Does anyone know the signs of an iodine overdose? I do not think I am overdosing but just curious.
I am dosing the tank with Kent liquid Calcium. I add 1 cap full in the evening and 1 in the morning I test before adding in the evening and do not see any change still hangs at 340. Anyone recommend a better safer brand then Kent?

Thanks for your help.


Active Member
Why are you dosing iodine? Normally a well regulated water change schedule will replenish Iodine to the level required.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Why are you dosing iodine? Normally a well regulated water change schedule will replenish Iodine to the level required.
I have 2 large fields of xenia... 3' X 1'.


Active Member
with that much water change, i just dont see a need to dose. too much iodide is toxic.


Active Member
Can't help you as I really don't know anything about dosing iodine. Maybe you need a new or better test kit?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Can't help you as I really don't know anything about dosing iodine. Maybe you need a new or better test kit?
Thanks for the help. This test is new well 3 months with an exp date of 02/10


Active Member
There's no proof xenia even needs iodine, just a theory and many people have no problem keeping it without and iodine can be deadly if overdosed. I would stick to regular water changes instead. For the calcium I would try raising your alk a bit, your mg seems alright, do you have a really big calcium draw?


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
There's no proof xenia even needs iodine, just a theory and many people have no problem keeping it without and iodine can be deadly if overdosed. I would stick to regular water changes instead. For the calcium I would try raising your alk a bit, your mg seems alright, do you have a really big calcium draw?
Ok thanks for the advice. Will try this program. I started adding acros and clams and noticed my levels have dropped from 410 to 350 in a matter of weeks. The draw is growing.

bird dog

I do water changes and add nothing. I can't stop the growth of all good things in my reef.
Good light.
RO Water.
Reef Crystals to .025
Less you touch it the better it grows