Slightly not Level Tank Stand [Advise Please!]


Hi all,
I built a custom stand for my 90g a short while ago and I just discovered upon filling that the tank is very slightly not level. The front left corner waterline is approx 2-3 mm lower than the back right. About a quarter of an inch. Is this significant enough to take drastic measures (empty the tank, prop the stand somehow, etc.)?
I just read a post about someone's tank cracking and it has me very leery!.


A quarter of an inch is a lot w/ that much pressure. Did the same thing to mine. Just bought my 115, and once full, realized that my tank was off by a quarter of an inch. I dumped most of the water out, had 3 guys help me fix this thing. Now, it's "almost" perfect. Off by maybe a 32nd or 64th.
While fixing, I had 10 tubs out ALL full of water. What a sight. here's the funny part, we started putting the water back in...a pot at a time. yea, really. then i said. Hold. I have new hose, and a powerhead that does about 450gph, yea,....I got all the water in in about 30 mins or so. Fun.


If you fix the level of the tank and I suggest you do. Then you might want to measure with a level how much it is out because when you take the water out the stand might come back to level at least some what and you will be right back where you started. It is possible that the floor especially in older houses settled under the weight and when you empty it the floor will come back.
Good Luck



Active Member
dont just eye ball it. use a level to check the tank. My 125 looks like it is leaning forward , but put a level on it and it is fine. I hate to say it but most houses are built in a hurry and walls and floors are not always level and plumb . old houses settle and walls shift ever so slightly. and this can give the efect that the tank is leaning


Thanks so much for the feedback. I am kind of bummed because I am so close to adding the live rock and cycling but I guess nothing right is done fast in this hobby! I am not sure how I can fix this problem. If I put something under the stand will it compromise the integrity of the stand. How about putting something under the tank? I am not used to working with wood. Can I lay down some tapering wooden slats under the stand to prop it up?
Has anyone ever had an "accident" (tank cracking, blowout, etc.) from a situation like this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ezee
Thanks so much for the feedback. I am kind of bummed because I am so close to adding the live rock and cycling but I guess nothing right is done fast in this hobby! I am not sure how I can fix this problem. If I put something under the stand will it compromise the integrity of the stand. How about putting something under the tank? I am not used to working with wood. Can I lay down some tapering wooden slats under the stand to prop it up?
Has anyone ever had an "accident" (tank cracking, blowout, etc.) from a situation like this?

You can use styrofoam between the tank and the stand.
I personally have never seen a blow out unless something has hit the tank and cracked the seal.


Thanks! Do I add a uniform sheet under or should I just add a piece under the low corner.


Active Member
You can use shims under the stand, put them in the corners where needed. That is what we always do with tanks we set up.


Active Member
I really do not think a tank out of level by 2 or 3 mm is going to hurt a thing.Just how much more pressure is there exerted on that tank being that slight bit out of level. Now however, not setting firm is a different ball game. I think that a lot of folks get the term level mixed up with a tank not setting firmly in contact with a stand. IMHO a tank needs to be placed iin firm contact so it does not have gaps or rock when its in place and if its out a few mm it sure is not going to hurt a thing.......Shims can easily be added under the stand to bring it up to level as can shims be placed under a tank as well.


Active Member
Your best bet is to drain the tank and make sure everything is completely level.....Leveliness does matter!!!!!


i would put about a quarter inch piece of foam between the tank and stand this will help level the tank and some companys void the waranty on the tank if you dont use the foam


The main question should be, is the top of his stand to the tank not level(as in gaps between the tank and the stand) or is the stand itself not level.
If it's just the stand then level it using shims, if it's gaps between stand and tank, then use rigid foam between them.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
I really do not think a tank out of level by 2 or 3 mm is going to hurt a thing.Just how much more pressure is there exerted on that tank being that slight bit out of level. Now however, not setting firm is a different ball game. I think that a lot of folks get the term level mixed up with a tank not setting firmly in contact with a stand. IMHO a tank needs to be placed iin firm contact so it does not have gaps or rock when its in place and if its out a few mm it sure is not going to hurt a thing.......Shims can easily be added under the stand to bring it up to level as can shims be placed under a tank as well.
I had a tank leak because it was uneven by - 1/4. It started to form bubbles in the silocon, and when it started leaking, it was over. Wetness, then more wetness, pretty soon, aka, same day, it was a full blown leak. That is why I really REALLY suggest trying to get the tank as level as possible. ME, I would do the stand. If there is any gaps between the stand and the tank, a level tank or not, the gaps will put pressure on it and there goes your tank and livestock. If you think how much a gallon of water weighs, if it's not level, a tank that is 55g could have 16lbs of pressure going towards one side. the bigger the tank the worst the pressure is on just a "lil" because it adds up, and remember, it's just silocone. That's just my two cents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Birdy
You can use shims under the stand, put them in the corners where needed. That is what we always do with tanks we set up.

Same here... be sure to shim both from the front and back side to pevent twisting of the bottom base. My 2x4 base is flat not vertical - if i am making sense. Is your stand square? Measure diagonally from top left to bottom right and visa-versa on all corners. If they are not equal, then it's not nessesarily the floor.
See this link - this has some comments about twisting and not being level in it as well.
Here is 1 item from the link
Myth #15: "My floor is deflecting so I better put shims under it to make it level."
Okay, this one might or might not have some truth to it. If your floor is flat but sloping, then it just doesn't matter structurally if the water level is higher at one end of the aquarium than it is at the other end. Now if one of the four corners of your aquarium stand is lower or higher than the other three corners then it could be a big problem. That could put a torsional (twisting) load into the glass tank which could break the glass or the seal at an edge/corner of the glass.


Hey all,
The tank sits flush with the stand but the back right corner is slightly lower. I think I am going to try the shims. I can't find any mention of this issue on the all glass site. I was inclined at first to leave it be because I could not find enough documentation on the topic to assess the actual risk that my tank was going to crack. Until Roofis posted I did not even know of anyone who had that problem.
How large was your tank that leaked and how long did it take.
Thanks, I am glad that there is a good solution!


Active Member
To be technichal about it
1 completely empty your tank
2 remove tank from stand
3 move stand from location
4 pull back carpeting
5 check flooring for level and anything that will cause problems.(i.e hole dried glue nails loose boards.
6 add ply wood sheet if nesesary. 3/4 for strength
7 replace carpet back over the desired location
8 place stand in desired location check for level.
9 check stand for level add shimms to level and plumb stand
10 add a sheet of 1/2 -3/4 high presure styrefoam on top of the stand this will help to abbsorb and distribute weight evenly.
11 place tank and any equipment on stand check for level
12 add sand and rock
13 check for level
14 add water check for level
15 drink a beer you tank should be level , and if its not just drink another beer


Had same problem after filling. I put a shim under the stand. was easy fix. didnt like the idea of trying to raise the tank


Active Member
Your right after a couple beers everything looks level!!!!!!!
I would definitely drain tank down and start from scratch leveling the tank.......I wouldn't use the cheap shims to level the tank....I would spend a little extra cash on the synthetic plastic style shims will hold up better than the cheap wood ones......Better yet use solid stock and shave it down if you want to go all out.......You can also put styrofoam under the tank to take out minute problems, but yours IMO isn't a minute problem as stated above.......Take the time and fix it now!!!!!