Slime Algae Remover Problem PLS HELP

I have a slim algae growing and my LFS sold me some Red Slime Remover, I have a problem though, my Protein skimmer is filling up FAST with water and this stuff, and my whole tank is now YELLOW!!!! Also my anemone is falling over on its side... My LFS said that this stuff wont hurt anything, and I put a little less than the box said to put in. Is this normal and will it get better?


Active Member
I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with your tank - it's normal for your skimmer to react severely when you add chemicals to your tank.
I would stop adding that stuff into your tank and expect the slime algae - it comes from two things:
1. you are using TAP water which has high nutrients and phosphates - feeding the algae bloom.
2. Your tank is still cycling in which case you need to slow down and let the algae grwo for a few weeks and then scrape it off using your fish net - capture it when it come off and the bloom will go away.
Be patient and hang in there!! :)
Well the tank has cycled, its almost 5 month old. I have alredy added the slime remover, is it normal for it to turn the water yellow? The anemone is better now. and i turned the skimmer off.


yes it is normal for the tank to turn yellow, this will be gone in less than 24 hrs. I have used this a few times. It worked great for me and didn't hurt anything in my tank, but I don't have an anemone so don't know about that.


Active Member
you are supposed to have the skimmer off, and make sure you are running NO CARBON in any of your filters. I used it once, my tank did NOT turn yellow at all, and by the third morning after use it was all completely gone. I followed the directions on the packaging precisely.


I used this stuff once, and my recollection is that the instructions indicated that you were to turn off your skimmer for a short period (I think it was a day??). Was this the case with the stufff you used?
The instructions on the box just sais the amount to use per gallon, and not to use more than 1 dose in a 48 hour period.


keep the skimmer off for a while and if you have a uv light turn it off also. skimmer will foam when you turn it back on, (like crazy) i left my skimmer off for about a week. after the med has run it's course then use carbon to get the residue out, you will know when it is out because the skimmer will operate normal. i use carbon put it in one of the wife's old nylon socks dropped it in the sump, change and continue every 2-3 days takes a week to get it out or so. good luck;)


Active Member
I have had a recent outbreak too, seems to be less now will it dissapear completly? how long will it take?