Slime algae!!!


i have had slime algea pop up on some rocks and have bein told a calcium reactor will solve the problem and i have every intention of getting one once the tank is settled and funds replenished but for the time being how can i stop it from spreading without harming the fish and inverts?
thanx :confused:


Active Member
Let me guess, you mean a skimmer not a Ca reactor, right :) Cyanobacteria feeds on light and nutrients, cut one of these out of the equation and the cyno dies off. A skimmer will help remove excess nutrients from the tank, so will water changes and activated carbon. Watching how much you feed and growing some macro algae to compete for the nutrients will help also. HTH


thanx but i meant a reactor i have a skimmer now which i am going to get a pump for today but i was under the impression that the slime algae would be halted with the calcium reactor not the skimmer


Active Member
OK, I dont see whay a reactor would kill off cyano though, unless your pH is very low???


Active Member
Reactors kill nothing.
If you follow the advice I gave earlier you shouldn't have that problem.


i hooked up the skimmer a few hours ago it seems to be running ok but it makes noise which i had thought it silent its a berlin xl also there were two outlets for the return so i just ran two tubes into the sump from the skimmer but hopefully it will work and i can get pics of the system up soon


Active Member
The Berlin, IMO, is a great skimmer, It will have to break in for a few weeks before it really starts making an impact. Both of the return lines should be above water, being under water will cause back pressure and affect the operation of the skimmer. A reactor is a great investment, but only if your keeping a tank full of Ca loving sps and hard corals, otherwise your LFS is trying to take you for a ride. GL