"Slogans" needed... Pictures are wide... beware.


Where you're always welcome for dinner...
Let the wild rumpus start... (from Where the Wild Things Are)
Beware the creatures of the deep...
Vegetarians need not apply...
My dad could eat up your dad...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Okay, I erfed up. The front page has to stay as it is because I forgot the text my husband wrote that goes with it... then it makes sense...
Okay, the Header is
Lionfish Lair... Welcome to the jungle.
And then on the bottom of the page it reads...
…the aquatic jungle, that is. You’re off the edge of the map, and here, there be monsters! If you like your slice of ocean on the wild side, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you will find blah, blah, blah, articles covering the identification, captive care and habits of various predatory denizens of the deep, and of COURSE, lots of photos of our own personal collection of “sea monsters”. So, come on in and have some fun…and don’t forget to check your bathtub in case something follows you home!
oh yaaay !!! i love the bathtub part lol

al mc

Active Member
'King of the under water jungle'
'Where you are the mane course' (a little lame)
'Be afraid...be very very afraid'
'Where you are always welcome for dinner'

tank a holic

Active Member
I haven built a site in a long time but I tried dreamweaver on my last one,
It was cool but I prefered the site builder through the server
but its good to have it built and up it all at the same time