Sludge build up


New Member
Help, I am new to this post.
I have tried several things in my 300 gal bow aquarium to reduce or eliminate this problem.
I keek geting this I describe it as (sludge) for lack of better word. it looks like very short algea greyish in color attached to my live rock. only way to get it off seems to be by brushing it off and I can not get into crevices as some of these rocks weigh 40lb each.
I have a 2400 gph return pump from refugium a 1200 gph as a power head and 2 800 gph power heads in opposit dirrections in the aquarium.
is my problem a water flow? overfeeding or under filtration?
well were gonna need your water prams, better descriptions, pictures even. Is it in a low flow area or a high flow? how often do you feed? whats your bio load like? whats your lighting schedule like? what kind of light do u have? how old are they...
all that and more can contribute to your problem


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by foundreef
Help, I am new to this post.
I have tried several things in my 300 gal bow aquarium to reduce or eliminate this problem.
I keek geting this I describe it as (sludge) for lack of better word. it looks like very short algea greyish in color attached to my live rock. only way to get it off seems to be by brushing it off and I can not get into crevices as some of these rocks weigh 40lb each.
I have a 2400 gph return pump from refugium a 1200 gph as a power head and 2 800 gph power heads in opposit dirrections in the aquarium.
is my problem a water flow? overfeeding or under filtration?

Welcome…I had this problem some time ago…yes, it sounds like you need more water current. Stuff shouldn’t be able to settle on the rock that much. Take a turkey baster (new) and blow off all the rocks…the stuff should then be able to get collected by the filter. I like Koralia power heads, they make a wave as opposed to the jet stream of water the maxi jets create..Bow fronts a little tricky to get water flow just right.


New Member
that is my thinking and I know I should have come up with a different design but live and learn
this stuff does not blow off it has to be brushed off unfortunately
I use a small power head to blow off the setelment on my rocks