slug, cucumber, or nudibranch?


I found this snail looking creature in my tank that resembles a snail without a shell. It's about the length of a fingenail form top to bottom. I have read previous threads and I think it may be a sea slug, nudibranch, or sea cucumber. My question is, what is the difference between the three? If it's a cucumber, I want to get rid of it. I believe it came as a stowaway in my last live critter shipment. I want to know if there is a difference between the three or if the two are different names for sea cucumbers. Any ideas?


Active Member
They are different, but I don't know exactly how. :notsure: Can you give us more of a discription of what it is you have? What color, shape, stuff like that. A pic would be nice too.


i have one that looks like this one shown in above thread what is it and is it safe? for reef keeping?


Active Member
Just a snail, totally safe i have many, no idea where they came from but i got lots:) i forget what they are called begins with strom or something :notsure: