Slurping Noise


Active Member
in only one of my overflows every so often(a few times a minute) i get a slurping sounds like there is air in the line. and when i hear the noise if i look at the line in in my stand it pulls a little. it's the line running from the overflow putting water into the filter. it is only happening in one of the overflows not both. it's the sound like when you finish your drink and you suck with the straw to get the last little bit. anybody have the problem or know what my problem is and how to fix it? it's really annoying and i didnt always have it..thanks in advance


double check those filters in there maybe they are clogged you are still trying to clear u that cloudy water right?


Just a thought, is it possible that when your evaporation reaches a certain point, and your tank is off by like 1/8" from one side to the other that the lower side is silent while the upper side "slurps"? There are darn few tanks out there that are "perfectly" level and perhaps one side is drawing more than the other.
Later, Paul


Active Member
i cleaned the prefilters yesterday. and the noise still occurred. if they were clogged wouldnt that mean that water wouldn't be able to get in, which would make the water level in the overflow rise, which it isn't. i checked my filter, water is flowing into it through that tube. so it is working.


Active Member
its normal on many overflows. it is just air trying to escape back up the tube. here is what you can do, get a valve that you can put in the drain pipe(as close to the sump as possible), an on/off valve or ball valve. when you put it on close it slightly so that the noise stops but not enough that it dosent let enough water through and the overflow to overflow. so basicly all your doing is slightly feducing the flow so air dosent have a chance to back up the tube. here is a pic of the valve im talking about.

bang guy

A fellow Reefer named Rich Durso invented a simple plumbing modification that eliminated the slurping. Do a web search or "Durso mod" and see what comes up.
FYI - the slurping is caused by an overloaded overflow. It's not a problem, just an annoyance. The valve suggestion will work but I've heard horror stories about snails getting in the overflow and getting caught in a half-shut valve. This causes a very wet carpet.
An overloaded overflow will start a siphon and actually begin to suck water from the overflow. This increases the waterflow dramatically and eventually outpaces the pump. At that point is starts to suck air instead of water and that breaks the siphon and the cycle starts over again.


Active Member
i have a valve, but on my return line to the tank. are you saying to get a valve, from the overflow to the filter? by an overloaded overflow do you mean too much water?
i am also not very handy, is there a place to buy one of these?


Active Member
I'm guessing you have one overflow drainline/hose feeding the trickle plate bioball chamber, and the other overflow drainline/hose just draining down somewhere else into the sump.
I would not restrict either drain line with a valve. You want the drains completely unrestricted.
The overflow that just drains to the sump is quiet. I'm betting it's a straight shot from the overflow to the sump.
The overflow that feeds the trickle plate bioball chamber most likely has the drain hose connected to a pvc elbow that attaches to the trickle plate square acrylic cover.
If so, this elbow may be causing the water to not flow as smoothly as the other drainline/hose.
Draining water may be backing up in this line somewhat, causing the water to rise in the drainline. When the water in the drainline get's high enough, the added head pressure in this water column/hose/pipe pushes it on through the elbow and you hear it burp as the drainline air passage clears. Each time this happens - you "see" the line sort of jump as you indicated.
This burping noise comes and goes every few seconds or so, and keeps cycling like this -over and over again.
You can try to eliminate this from happening, by reorienting the drainline/hose or using a straight pvc fitting on top of the trickle plate cover - getting rid of that elbow. Try to eliminate turns or sharp radial curves in the drainline(s).
As I said - I'm guessing at this point - not being able to actually see or hear it.
But it sounds very similar to what I've experienced myself.


There is a much cheaper and easier way to get rid of this annoyance. Take a bio ball and some air tubing. Maybe 1/8 - 1/4 tubing and make a hole in the bio ball that the tubing will go through and hold it. Slide the tubing through the ball and place it over the pipe or the hole in the pre filter so the tubing is going down into the drain pipe.Then just make sure the tubing will not slide down and you are all set. Noise is caused by air pocket inside the drain pipe. This just allows it to breath so to speak and noise goes away.

sal t. nutz

If you just cut the top of the PVC in the overflow at an angle instead of a straight cut, it can't start a siphon. If you angle that cut, it won't slurp.


Active Member
glenn, how far down does the piece of tubing have to go?
sal t nutz, you mean cut the top of the piece in my overflow which the water flows through?

sal t. nutz

If you have an overflow box, or if the tank has built in overflows, there should be PVC running up into the overflow. That PVC should be the drain that the water goes to the sump through right? It is what your hose is connected to, that goes to the sump. Cut that PVC at an angle.


It just has to go in far enough to get into the Flex hose where the air is building. Maybe from the inside of the overflow box about 3 inches in should take care of it. You like the rest of us probably have some extra air tubing laying around and just take a piece and put it in until the noise stops. You will definatly be able to tell when it is in far enough.


Active Member
thank you everyone for the help, glenn i hope your idea works, because it is the easiest so i will try it first...this noise is just(sorry for the language) so ****** annoying. the tank is in my room and it keeps me up at night. its so aggravating to try to enjoy something that i put all this money into and hafta listen to that noise.
EDIT: broomer5

Please refrain from using such language on this board.
There are young members that participate here, as well as adults that do not appreciate this type of language used in a public place.
It's inappropriate and goes against the rules - and I'm sure you know it HNF2K.
There are many other words you may choose to describe how annoying something is - please choose wisely.