Small Aggressive Marine Tank?


Originally Posted by ariaanna
yah, i was already planning on going for the best stuff money can buy- i'm going to be saving up for quite some time. but while i'm saving, i still wanted to do some research. and i know i'm going to want bigger tanks- i just don't have the room right now. some day i'm either going to sell off all the smaller setups, fish and all, and concentrate on just 2 large tanks, or my house is going to explode with fish tanks, i think.
i really like volitan lions, but i've read that they need at the absolute least a 75 gallon, preferably 80 or 90 gallon. but like i said earlier, i don't really have any place for a tank larger than, say, a 55. and even so, that would be pushing it.....
also..... i thought that lionfish and puffers didn't need live rock/live sand? it wouldn't be a BAD addition and it would help speed up cycling, but it wasn't a necessary addition? (correct me if i'm wrong, that's just the impression i was under.)
^oh, i know that aggressive fish are very messy. my puffers have cleanup crews bigger than they are and they get a LOT of attention from me. i'm not afraid of a little hard work! i actually find fish tank maintenance very relaxing.... if i had a car, i would look into getting a job in that.
First off I pesonally would only get one lionfish
And in your case all the lions in the Pterois family will get two big for a 39
all lion fish need rock of some type or hiding
a puffer needs a hiding place too
Bangii are lovely fish but will be ate or picked on to death
sixline will become dinner for the lion
A long spinned urchin will work for clean up
and if you could buy some big turbo snails they could survive the puffer
Also Maby you should consider a large cinnamin clown fish very nice and in your tank wont out grow and would be plenty agressive


oh wow, i forgot i had this post up. i actually ended up getting 2 50 gallons when my LFS moved (10 cents a gallon! whee!) and my roommate is helping me build a stand for it and get the filter, light fixtures, etc. and there's no way i'd get a clown fish. i just hate the look (omg i'm a horrible person!).
i think we're leaning toward a lionfish, though. we were in the lfs this week and just took a quick walk through the SW section, and they had several lovely specimens on display. they had several puffers as well, but only one of them looked healthy enough to bring home, and he was much larger than what i was looking for. i work in a sushi restaurant, so i have a pretty steady source of fresh food (though not live) and if the lionfish demands live, it won't be a huge problem to go to the fish store, particularly with 3 of us (me, my bf, and our roommate) funding the tank.
also, how many snails and such are recommended for the cleanup crew? i'm pretty resigned to the fact that i'm gonna have snails, i just wanna know about how many so i don't get too few (or too many).
much thanks!