Small Anemone Problem

I have a 24g nano which has been established for over year, I have these very small greenish brown anemone's(?) that continue to multiply, Does anyone have a suggestion on the best way to remove them, I do not want them to sting the base of my corals.
Thank You.


Aiptasia-X kills the the easiest and is the safest I've found for other corals. Apply two smaller doses instead of one larger dose. Yes, it will take longer to kill them, but it will protect the corals they're on or near.


New Member
I know how to set up freshwater tanks..... and I know how to cycle and all that, but I have no experience really with salt water, and I wwas wanting to set up a 4g nano tank, and then a larger (20g?) tank for a CC starfish. Help?
Top Grade acai
Top Grade acai