small bacteria problem. . .whats a good cleaner ?


Could you please offer some help. . .
I am just starting to notice small light brown patches in my once white sand. I have about 7 nas snails and 10 hermits. 1 brittle star and one emerald crab. . .what else could I do to keep my substrate a little cleaner. It's not that bad at all. . .just want it a little more pristine.
I have a 29 gal reef.


That's normal in a new tank. Diatom bloom, part of the cycle. It will go away on it's own after a few days/weeks. Once your levels normal out. I believe it thrives on Phosphates which are introduced from tap water or non DI/RO water. Once it consumes the phos. it will go away. It might turn green for a few days/weeks too. Your sand will always get a little dirty. You could get some more snails and some Red Scarlet Hermits. I have about 6 turbos and 20+ in my 125gal FOWLR and they keep it under control, for now. I'm getting a cleaner crew next week. You could try a shrimp or too, may 2 peppermints. Maybe try not feeding as much too.