small bubble tips getting bleached


i have some small anemones and 5 of them are getting bleached. yea i know. you need lighting and food. will thats odd because the other two that are lower to the bottom of the tank are not getting bleached. the ones getting white are about 15 inches under a 150w MH and the ones that are not getting white are about 23 inches under the 150 MH. what gives?
what more first aid can i do?
will post pic soon.

dive girl

I had mine under MH 150w and they did fine. I've since upgraded the tank and now have a 250w (larger tank).
How big is the tank you've got the 150w on? Are they moving around? Have you tried giving them a little food, do they take it?


Originally Posted by Dive Girl
I had mine under MH 150w and they did fine. I've since upgraded the tank and now have a 250w (larger tank).
How big is the tank you've got the 150w on? Are they moving around? Have you tried giving them a little food, do they take it?
its about a 115 gallon tank. the tank depth is 22 inches of water. they are about 15 inches deep. (but look the lower one is ok)
they do take food ok. they have not moved.


That is odd.
Is the flow different in those two spots of the tank?
Does your clownfish feed that anemone?
Are you positive that the other anemones are digesting their food, or do they take it and a few hours later spit it back out?


Flow is not much differant. the clown does feed the one he host im sure.
im pretty sure that they are digesting there food.
i have some Kent invert food (liquid) that i feed the tank with 2-3 times a week. can i
feed some of that with a syringe to them?
anybody else have an idea?


Most of the anemones I've seen eat "chunks" of food rather than filter feeding. They have a mouth where they eat like any other critter.
Also anemones move around. Did they choose the spots they are at or did you? Also not certain but can't some anemones (like some corals) release stuff into the water to combat, harm or make similar of their type die or leave so they have less competition?


ok.... i feel a little stupid but the wife informed me of something that i never noticed.
i have two MH and one cycles on from 11am to 4pm. the other turns on from 2pm to 7pm. i never get home before the first one goes off. wife told me that the ones in question are shadowed by the large purple carribean anemone that expands out during that part of the day and the other two that look good are not.
i moved every thing around and increased the light times just a little. we shall see.
thanks for all the replys anyway. its good to know you folks are here.