small bugs


just noticed small white "bugs" on glass. do anyone know what they are? how i got them? and how to get rid of them? doesn't look like they bother the fish. i just don't want them to take over the tank.


If they are small and white little dots running around then they are Copepods, they are a good thing and every tank has them. They are eaten by some fishes like Mandarins and Dragonets. They will not take over your tank as they usually take to the rocks during daylight hours.
If, however, they are hard spiral type things on your glass then they are Spirobid Worms, again most tanks have them and they arent harmful. If you must get rid of them you can take a plastic scraper/razorblade and take them off.


Active Member
They sound like pods, which are good. Don't get a mandarin though unless your tank is a year old and you have 100+ lbs of LR or the mandarin will starve to death. They eat nothing but pods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltLife
If its a good thing. i guess that means i'm doing something right. just what i like to hear.
Copepods...definitely a good thing. When I first got them and posted on this board about them, a very experienced aquarist told me that they are a very good sign of good water quality.

Keep up the good work.
Lisa :happyfish :happyfish