Small footprint skimmer for sump?


New Member
I have a 58gal tank with a 30 gal sump. I need an in sump skimmer with a small footprint. The area for the skimmer is only 7" wide.
I can do a hang on, but would rather do one in the sump. I've seen some used ASM G-1X used for around $150, but I think it's to big for to fit in the intake of the sump. I'd like to stay around/under $150. I currently have a borrowed Seaclone now HOB of sump.
I'm looking at the ASM miniG and this new one I found:
My sump dimensions are:
intake (6"X12"), LR rubble/skimmer
Fuge (15"X12") sand/LR/heater/cheato/light
return (7"X12")


I have a Seaclone 100 that was $100 new. The foot print is 6". It's not the best skimmer in the world but it has been working great for 6/mo now


Originally Posted by atcaw94
I had the same issue to and the only skimmer i could fine is the marineland skimmer i think there is a 150gal model and a 300 gal model ..i have the 150 on a 80 gal with a 20 gal sump and it works ok! but there not that tall and the pump is combine into the skimmer so there no need for alot of room..There is a long break in time on it.Thats the worst part of the skimmer. I tend get a full cup of stinky dark green stuff from it about every 3-4 days and i only feed once a day. Hope this helps!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Staying under $150 IMO is going to be tuff for one of the new style small foot print skimmers. You might want to consider placing you skimmer out side the sump and pipe the pump from in the sump to it