Ive got a small Reef tank and was considering
getting rid of my Blue Damsel for a small Goby.
One not really shy, bottom dwellers ok too.
Any recommendations?
p.s. Hardy ones only. My tank is only
6 months est.
Bluewater, First let me say welcome to the board. If you want a really cool goby, take a look at the goldenhead sleepers, they are cool fish, very pretty colors and neat to watch. Reef safe too. Later Lisa
while they are not particularly hardy clown gobys are great looking and stay tiny so you could fit a few different variaties in a reef (blue,black,green,brown or even yellow)they are reef safe also
Yup....a manderian dragonette is tough to keep....needs lots of LR and a very healthy pod population to have a chance....the other gobys mentioned will be good choices............as soon as I find a good one I plan to add a yellow or a golden head sleeper to my reef........