Small Green Worms?


These green periscope like things popped up in an algae outbreak while I was out of town. I tried to get the best possible pic. I will try to get a better pic tonight when the lights go out. I can't find anything in the hitchiker archives that looks similar.
They are stationary and there is a group of about six in the upper part of my tank on some LR in a high flow area. They are neon green and don't ever open or do anything that I have observed. The longest of them is about a half an inch long. They are only in one spot of my tank. When I did a water change earlier today I held the siphon over them to see if they would retreat or detach and they did nothing.
I purchased LR from several different places when I set this tank up and have had this tank running for about 3 years. Any advice or knowledge would be much appreciated!


You sir are a champion. Thanks for the id. From what I have been able to find its a beneficial macroalgae and thats what matters! Thanks again.


Is there anything I should do thats beyond the norm of monitoring nitrates, not having the lights on too long and using good water sources etc.? The only algae I have is Cheato.


Active Member
Do a search as I believe it is one of the calcacerous algae like coralline which would require you to keep calcium up to natural sea water levels. IMO it add nice color to the tank and if kept in check will be a nice addition to your system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i think you mean halimeda?
Instead of coralline? Yeas Halimed is probably a better comparison.
Lenny it is neomeris annulata in your picture though. Ren and I are discussing what a good comparison would be becuase of it's use of calcium for growth. I like Ren's comparison better than mine.