Noted small white spots on the body and eye of my Hippo Tang last week. The remainder of the fish did not exhibit similar signs. All fish are feeding well. 90 Gallon FOWLR w the following Parameters pH 8.3, DK 7.5, SG 1.021, Amm 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, Ca 460. I removed him and placed him in a 10 gallon QT Tank and have been performing 20 Gallon water changes every other day for 5 days now. The Parameters in the QT Tank are pH 8.0, SG 1.012, Amm 0.25, 0 Nitrite, 0 Nitrate. The fish in the main tank (Maroon Clownfish, Yellow Tang and Dwarf Lionfish) still are wout signs of Parasite w stable water Parameters and hardy apetites. The white spots on the Hippo Tang are just about gone, However He appears Lethargic and isn't eating well. The QT Tank has a basic HOW filter, Air Pump and some PVC pipes for hiding (No substrate). All feeds in both tanks are placed in Garlic. Questions:
1. Was removing him the right thing to do?
2. Having a difficult time keeping the parameters in the QT Tank stable and the Hippo Tang which previously was acting fine now is lethargic. Should I assume the parasite is in the main tank despite the remaining fish not exhibiting signs?
3. If yes to 2, would it be better to reintroduce the Tang into the main tank given more stable water parameters? (That's assuming the parasite is already in the main tank).
4. What works better, Hyposalinity or Copper? Can both be utilized?
5. Will Copper destroy my Biologic Filter if I re-Introduce the Hippo Tang and go w Copper Therapy instead?
6. If yes to 5, would a product Like Bio-Spira allow me to Re-establish a Bio Filter once the fish are adequately treated?
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