Small Jellyfish


My LFS had some small blue jellyfish, are they good to put into your tank or should i just leave them along. I notice they were about 1 to 2 inches but very pretty.:D

grimm reef

If I remember correctly Jelly Fish needs are pretty high as far as water quality and what type of tank they could be kept in as i understand it a standard tank is not recommended.
I would leave the Jelly Fish at the store if I were you


Most likely they are upside-down jellyfish. Needs high quallity water and do MUCH better in a round tank.


High water quality is no ammonia, no nitrites, very low nitrates, PH around 8.2-8.3. SG at 1.022-1.025 and all the other elements in your tank. And all your paramters should not fluctuate. Plus Jellyfish need to be in a species only tank and do not do well with other lifeforms (unless they are food.)


Active Member
They won't survive very long... Starvation will kill them if a lack of current doesn't. Yes, they have to be kept in round tanks.


Don't get attached as they probably will not make it long. If you have powerheads in the tank they'll likely only last a short while before they get sucked in.