Small Naso Tang


he's in QT right now and in a 29G. When he checks out alright, I'll put him in my DT tank. 72G Bow front.


Active Member
Looks a bit like a baby unicorn to me... my bet is that this one is a mutt. Definitely not an achilles or gold rim.


He does look like a Whitecheek to me. If you ordered a Naso fom this site then that is tremendously surprising that you got that fish. You should write a letter and complain, don't forget the confirmation number of your order. On a side note, Naso tangs get WAY too large for a 72 bowfront.


Nah. I wont get him replaced. As long as he isnt as delicate as a Powder tang then he's gonna be a keeper. He isnt, right?


Originally Posted by 9g
Nah. I wont get him replaced. As long as he isnt as delicate as a Powder tang then he's gonna be a keeper. He isnt, right?
In all honsesty he will outgrow the 72 as well. We don't even know that it is a whitecheek. The markings on the back look like it but he does not have yellow around the eyes. That may develop in time. They only get around 8" as apposed to the girth of a Sohal that grows to over 15".


One thing i noticed is that he tries to eat some formula two(greens) but then spits it out. Then i feed marine cuisine(mysis etc) and he eats some small things but not the mysis itself.


Active Member
I just ordered a Naso from this site a few days ago and mine looks almost EXACTLY like the one the OP posted... What is going on??

I have read the juveniles will tend to be dark gray or black... I was just hoping for something more like the picture on


Active Member
It seems similar to this picture on fishbase
I think it is a problem to try and do this for fish that were just received in a shipment within a few days. I wouldn't expect many - recently captured, shipped and trying to adapt to an artificial diet and confines - to look spot on.
Fish aren't carbon copies so there is a lot of individual variation in them. This is where if it is absolutely critical and important for you to have a particular looking at a store (I am this way with coral beauty angels, for example).


I can also add that I ordered a Naso from this site about a month ago and mine looks like the picture above. If you look closely at mine, you can see different colors as well, such as some yellows. I did a google search and got the impression that they change colors as they age. They also get the streamers from their tails. I also found information that indicated they grow anywhere from 13-18 inches and can live about 15 years.


Active Member
I got a blonde naso from this site and it looked like that fish, only the blonde version. He/she is very timid and has only recently started to color up. Been since april I believe. It's not the most beautiful blonde naso, but is still very pretty. And is still quite timid. It would dart back into the rocks everytime anyone walked in the room. Darkening up when it did. But is slowly becoming more social. IMO that these are very timid, delicate fish and take some time to adjust to being yanked out of it's suroundings and acclimating to a new home. The reason for the dark coloration.