Small pink nudibranch ID needed


I found a tiny little nudibranch this morning on my glass. It is only about 2 milimeters long (about as long as the top of a pen cap) and it is primarly pink. It looks to have 2 small orange bands on it.
Anyone have an ID? Just wandering if it is harmful and if I should remove it.

bang guy

You've narrowed it down to about 10,000 animals. Sounds more like a Flatworm from your description. Have you checked the archives yet for hitchhiker pictures?


It defintly looks like a nudibranch. Has the same body type as like a luttuce nudibranch. I tried to take a picture but it is too small for my camera to focus in on.
I havent added anything new to the system for over 2 months, so it must have been in there a while.
Like I said, it has a bright pink top and bottom, is 2 mm long, and has a distinct nudibranch shape...
Would you reccommend removing it?


it also has two little antenna feelers on it's head and a bunch of spikey things on it's back which are pink/orange in color


Red gilled nudi's... they are hydroid eaters!!
I did a search on hydroids and found these guys everywhere!! LOL. Can't seem to find one in real life though... surprise surprise.


Tizzo, It looks very much like that guy, just smaller. I can't say that is it 100% but it's awfully close
BTW what is a hydroid???