Small problem...


New Member
Ok so I have a 65 gallon tank and it has a center brace on top,well I just got my new light the current satellite w/ 1 lunar light,well the lunar ligth is in the center of the light directly above the brace,so is the brace able to be modified or is it structural? any ideas are appreciated


Active Member
i would not touch the brace. it helps hold your tank together. just buy lunar lights thats what i did.


My 48" Coralife has 3 lunar lights on it, one of them right over the center brace. That drives me nuts. I guess I could have drilled a small hole for the light to shine through but never did. I'm stuck with it for now.


Originally Posted by mandarin w
Don't ever mess with your center brace. You will be moping the floors.
Thanks, I'll leave it. No mopping for me!


Active Member
can you offset the light by an inche or so just enought to miss your support?


it's built in on my light...i offset the whole light once by adjusting the legs but eventually one broke, it looked weird anyways.


New Member
Well thanks for the advice, looks like I was fairly close to 65 gallons of mopping,the euro brace is def. a great idea but now I'm a bit nervous of doin it,I think that adding 2 or 3 lunar lights may be the way to go for now, but next tank I'll keep the Euro brace in mind-thanks