Small Puffer


i really wanted a lion, but thought in that small of a tank would definately not be happy and I'd wind up getting stung. Been looking at the fiji puffer, but want to look at all options. Any info would be appriciated.


LionFish says.......
Well, I know a few species of Puffers that stay relatively small. The Valentini and the Sharp-Nosed Puffer only get 3 inches. They are hardy and seem to do well in smaller tanks or at least they do at my LFS. From my point of view, they could survive in a 30 gallon but I always think it is best to put one in a 50 gallon or more. They do seem to like their space and I am getting a Golden Tonga Puffer for my 70 gallon but I know I will have to upgrade after a few years. I think it is just better safe than sorry.


Active Member
@knight; Lionfish is quite correct in what he is recommending for your 30. Any Dog or Pork will outgrow it in no time, but the Canthigaster group (valentini, fiji, sharpnose, and others) will do ok in a 30 for a long time. In my reference book it states "A 20-gallon plus, fish only aquaruim would make the best home for this species of fish".
Sidenote to Lionfish; You must be planning to come into money if you are getting a Golden Tonga Puffer lol.