small shark

is there any shark i can have in a 95 to 125 hexagon
i have heard a lot of warmwater catsharks can be kept in a 110 would 95 gallon be okay
or is there any ray i can have in a 95 to 125 hexagon


Active Member

there are no sharks that can be kept in the tank your asking about . Sharks should on be atempted by aquarist with a lot of experiance . Even then they are difficult to keep alive . Please do not think of atempting it .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot

there are no sharks that can be kept in the tank your asking about . Sharks should on be atempted by aquarist with a lot of experiance . Even then they are difficult to keep alive . Please do not think of atempting it .

Originally Posted by Whitey

Just so you have a 2nd opinion:
Absolutely Not.


I have a 480gal tank with a 23" horn shark and a 10" ray, and even I wonder sometimes if I have enough room.