Small spaces and need of RO unit


Hello everyone,
I have only posted a couple threads and this is my second day as a member. I live in a condo and don't have a lot of room...what is your opinions on getting an RO unit vs. buying water right out of the LFS or lets say wal-mart?:notsure:


From what I heard it will save you money in the long run is you plan on staying in this hobby for a long time. I have not gotten my water bill so I don't know how true this is, but if you start adding up the cost to fill your tank if it is big you could break even, plus you have to water changes and top offs.


You can buy a decent R/O unit for about 70 clams. Depending on you water usage, this could pay fro itself in as little as two months. Let's say you have a 50 gallon tank. You will be changing (should be) roughly 15-20% of your water monthly; that's 10 gallons right there. Plus another 5-7 gallons a month in top offs. There your at almost 20 gallons per month. Water is about a buck a gallon, so that's $ 20 right there, not to mention the pain in the _ _ _ it is to lug those containers in & out of the store & in to your home. The $70 will be worth the hastle of not having to go get water the first time.


Thanks, it makes sense! Plus I don't pay water at my condo!!!! So I would only be out of the money for the RO unit.