small tenticle plate has not opened for almost 2 weeks


Active Member
at the LFS he was fully extended
and when I originally purchased him, I placed him on the rocks and as he did not open for 3 days, I made a thread and was told to place him on the sand.
I have done this and he still has not opened
tank perameters:
temp 80
nitrate 10ppm
PH 8.2
Alk 2.86
DKH 8.0
CAL 410
Magnesium 1380
I dont know what to do, everything else is doing great in my tank
any suggestions would be very much appreciated


You can try raising your DKH, I keep mine around 12. Also try and feed it some shrimp. Is it on the Sandbed?


Try putting part of a krill shrimp or silverside on top of it. You may have to lower the flow if it isn't opening.


Have you looked at it in the middle of the night. I have one that opens when the lights go off????? Not sure y but that's what it does?