Small triggerfish?


My interpretation of the question was..."do you think this will work?".
The consenses seems to be NO.
Questions like that get posted on this board all the time (it's what the board is here for). When someone posts such a question, he's essentially asking people what they "think" he should do.
If you don't like the responses you're free to disregard them (although you do so at your own risk), however if you don't want people "telling you what to do"...then don't ask the question.


Pacus grow to like 3 feet. I would give triggerfish atleast 75 gallons, they arent hard fist to keep. Snowflakes should be kept in 40 gallons or more tanks.


Hey anthem, Shut it! As you can see others like Bacchus_Fl and Clowntrigger2K actually know what they are doing. For firsts, The two fish I want in my tank is a puffer and a snowflake eel. I was just looking into triggers. Second, If you want to be a mentor, find someone who needs to be mentored. In my freshwater tank (Your wrong again, Freshwater tanks are the step before getting introduced to saltwater, and why wouldn't saltwater have nothing to do with freshwater fish, their keeping fish in a environment taken from their original environment they where born in) I have it loaded, but bought a 55 gallon tank when it came time to get a bigger tank. As Clowntrigger2k and Bacchus_Fl said, you can keep a bunch of fish in one tank for a while. And Clowntrigger2K and Bacchus_Fl, whichever one of you said to defend myself, I have. This anthem person has just been trouble to me since I've been here. Anthem and whipple, this is something you can learn. Everything from the books is for taking extreme percosion to get the tank up and going. JUST LIKE IN FRESHWATER, I WAS TOLD NOT TO OVERPOPULATE MY TANK, BUT IT IS DOING FINE AND VERY CLEAN!
There's one thing worse than a tree hugger, and that's a anthem.

Live and learn and then die :cool: <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" />


New Member
Did you ever onsider maybe a Valenti puffer? They don't need a huge tank like some of the other puffers. I have one and I love him. He looks like a blue spot shape wise, only smaller.


Here's a thought:
Stop posting questions if you're just going to act like a 2 year old everytime someone gives you an answer you don't like.
I'm sure you'll probably throw another tantrum now...but the majority of us are here to ask questions, get advice, and learn something.
That doesn't work if you think you already know everything (I hate to break this to you don't).
There was a thread in the fish discussion this morning about people like you and the stupidity of namecalling.
You might want to read it.


Hey cowboy, when did I say that I know everything?
And I'm not mad at the advise i'm getting. I'm sick of people acting stuck-up.


Active Member
i'm sorry, but to all those who support blj1234 maybe you should read through some more of his/her posts, this question has been asked at least 10 times that i can count, and either the name calling starts or things get very rude, flsj is very quick ot repond to good advice, even calling others morons and hippies and tree huggers for posting FACT, not opinions but facts
blj can take care of his or herself, i would have pity but, like i said, s/he has asked this question at least 10 times this week(some of whihc have been deleted for content), and seems to be seeking a conflict,the way all of hteir posts go(normally inflamed by blj, after being calmly advised)
and for all to know, if you want advice and opinions here, you will get them, if you don't dont ask, and often you will get good advice, which blj has several times(GOOD ADVICE), Only to turn around and call names or hurl insults, then rephrase and ask the same question again and start over
anthem has NOT bashed anyone even now, and i have alot of time, so i generaly read almost all the posts, and anthems have all been full of good advice and facts(i generally do not respond after anthem because i generally feel it has been covered better than i can state, why beat a dead horse),no idea of his or her experience but anthem's advice given definitely comes from knowledge and/or experience, not guessing(you cna generally tell if it is bs)
but if you want real experience, risc, has more sharks then many people ever even see and even more of other aggressive fish, so he has a pretty good clue
whipple has these fish in question, and has been very successful at it, i talk with him alot and can state mostly what he has, so believe me, he is not bs'ing, when he says he has this stuff, and he has adivsed to go with the green spot(or 2), based on his own experience, he knows and loves these fish
now, i realize i do not need to defend these people because they need no defence, but this is getting rediculous again, especially when you tell a man with over 10 yrs and a great deal of experience and success to listen to others who have none or 2


New Member
I think think the originl aggression towards the comments was directed towards Amphiprion, and Antem got stuck in the mix, too. What I really think has happened is that we all forgot why we post to this messages board. WE ARE ALL LOOKING FOR ADVICE AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER. If you don't agree with something, can't we all act as adults and give an answer to a question without trying to offend the other person? It may not be what we want to hear, but can't we speak to each other without starting an argument? Theres enough animosity in this world right now. Reading these posts, I am wondering why I signed up for this message board, and I think there are others who might agree whole heartedly. If not, I guess I just don't belong here.


O.k., I see where we got confused salty is right. I thought I was talking to Amphiprion, because your names are similar-
Sorry for the inconviniance


all he asked was what kind of trigger you would suggest. i wont suggest any would be good enough! :D but i say nigers are awsome i have one and love it. i'd go for it!
to quote somone here (it's your tank, your choice)
take it or leave it. where's all the love! am i the only one here over 30!!!!! :D


It's been my experience that this particular discussion group (aggressive setups) is much worse than the others on this board with regard to heated arguments.
Why is that? Who knows.
Maybe it's because this group deals repeatedly with stocking, compatibility, and feasibility questions ("can I keep a Lion with a Mandarin and 2 seahorses") and people have strong opinions.
With aggressive species there's also the potential for some hobbyists to have ideas or practices which others feel are irresponsible or illinformed, which also leads to arguments.
I guess the aggressive group is...aggressive.
Which is pretty stupid.


Active Member
actually anthem, i saw our discussion more of a debate, then a heated discusssion, i never got upset, and the only thing that bothered either of us was the fact that we seemed to be disagreeeing with everything you had said,BUT the fact be known, the only reason for that was that the only time i responded to any of your posts were because i and you did not agree, the other ones i left alone, agreeing with you completely, like i said why beat a dead horese(i don't like to sound like an ape). in othter wrds, i normally agree wiht you , and we were able to both put our 2 cents in clearly and calmly(i thought), although we did disagree with each other, id agree, that we disagree on the ine or 2 minor issues, but that is only our lil difference of opinion(which we both agreee that both will work too)
so i have no reason to not offer kind words, you do know what you are talking about, as many others here, and you have not nor amphiprion offered bad advice, and have not started on others, just offered good advice, that others seem to take in another text and really blow things out of proportions
now i have defended newcomers and offered the benefit of the doubt, but this si getting old, and blj keeps trying to change the facts to get the trigger, like i said before
broomer is right, it is: YOUR TANK YOUR CHOICE, SO DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT with it, we don't care, we do care abouthte fish enough to offer the best advice we can, so if you don't want it, don't ask this question again tomorrow


I just want to comment on YOUR idea of stocking tanks...
you are being COMPLETELY selfish. cramming all those fish in such a small tank. think about how they could live in the wild? Yes I know every fish has billions of gallons to swim in, but being responsible pet owners, we give them as much space as we can.
yes, your tank sounds "cool" to look at. sure, everyone who knows nothing about sw would love to look at it, but they would be oblivious to the fact that all your fish are suffering.
be responsible, and PROVIDE for your fish. dont just get them because theyre 'cool'. pets are a lifelong commitment.
if you dont like our advice, dont ask for it.
and as for your tantrums... Im going to assume youre a wee lad who barley knows much about saltwater, except his fish look cool...
anyways dont get me started on you. or your friend.
Drew :)


All right anthem, then I take back what I said. But I'm not getting in another arguement about this. If you think a puffer and a snowflake eel are too small for a 29 gallon tank for a little bit. I see what your trying to say, but do you think it's fair for birds to be locked up in cages all their life, or hamsters, and other rodents to be locked up in cages? Then if you do believe of what your trying to say, you shouldn't keep any fish or animals. A lot of the fish loose everything when you put them in the tank. Their crammed in the tank. Chanses are they will never be able to have an environment close to their old in the ocean. If you do believe in what your saying, you shouldn't have fish at all!
So it's not your choice if someone wants 100 fish in their tank. All you can do is choose for yourself> This isn't a political chatroom so lets forget about this.....


Buy the way Amphiprion, your the only one I've been talking to, even though I got you mixed up with Anthem. But I just wanted to tell you that if your so grown up, why are you saying insults and cussing? If you want to go back and look at my posts, you can. I never cussed? I find that pretty immature.....
Sorry the rest of you had to hear us argue-


But I just wanted to tell you that if your so grown up, why are you saying insults and cussing? If you want to go back and look at my posts, you can. I never cussed? I find that pretty immature..... <hr></blockquote>

Quit dragging my name into this and I won't have to defend myself.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Immature? Puleeze....
Who called who a damn liberal?
Who called who a f*aggot?
Who called who gay?
You have a pretty selective memory there, bud.