Small White Dots On Glass


Can some one please tell me what these tiny white dots are growing on my glass. The seem to be growing alot on one side of the tank, its the side that the power head is blowing towards. They are not snails, they look like a little dot then little lines all the way around them. I have seen them in the pet stores on there glass as well, but I don't know if they can hurt my fish or not.
So please help me, if someone has a picture please attach it to the thread please.


Ok what is fish wisperer, and what do you mean if they are not connected. I may not have given a good discription of them, they are tiny white dots with tiny white lines or they kind of look like a tiny version of a feather duster. I just looked at them and noticed that they move with the current. if that helps any


Active Member
Originally Posted by chentiell
Ok what is fish wisperer, and what do you mean if they are not connected. I may not have given a good discription of them, they are tiny white dots with tiny white lines or they kind of look like a tiny version of a feather duster. I just looked at them and noticed that they move with the current. if that helps any
Ah they could be just that, mini feather duster's adhered to the glass,, filter feeders and completely harmless.


Originally Posted by chentiell
Ok what is fish wisperer, and what do you mean if they are not connected. I may not have given a good discription of them, they are tiny white dots with tiny white lines or they kind of look like a tiny version of a feather duster. I just looked at them and noticed that they move with the current. if that helps any
A Fish Whisperer would be equal to a Horse Whisperer or Ghost Whisperer, by the way it's a joke that they can communicate with!
Anyway, the little hard white spiral things on your back glass are spirorbid feather duster worms. They usually show up in new tanks when there are a lot of nutrients in the tank. I was told that these mean your tank is going in the right direction. So, in other words, you're doing good and there's nothing to worry about.


What is a fish whisperer!!??
That's me.

That means I know the needs, wants, requirements, and desires of the fish based on it's personality. I know what they want and why they want it.
I know my fishies..
I am the fish whisperer. haha


Originally Posted by reefernana
by the way it's a joke that they can communicate with fish.....
I cannot communicate with fish, I just know, like how some people are with babies... You just know...


See as you can tell I am new to this, but thanks for the info. I did not see any picture that look like it except for the one that looked like a feather duster, but the ones on my tank are flat. Actually I found a site that has a picture of them. its the 6th row of pics down beside the snail. Let me know what you think.


I guess it is not working, well thats the sight were the pics can be found. Hopefully someone can get a chance to look at that sight and tell me what they are.
Try the below attachment


Active Member
hydroid jelly fish, usually a new tank issue, with good water and good flow they will die off, they can sting your fish causing irritation, but they are usually a phase that passes relativly quickly.


Active Member
just so you know, this being a bulletin board and not a chat room sometimes it can take many hours or days to get a response. its not that people are ignoring you or anything like that, it just means that who ever has looked at your post probably doesnt know so they arent answering. it can be a while sometimes before some one who knows checks in on your particular thread. and some one you were talking to earlier may no longer be here. even if they knew the answer.

I understand the need for an answer, but try not to be impatient, just try researching on your own as much as you can, and check back every now and then.


They will come and go on their own. They are jellyfish so they most likely sting, but I've had them in my tank with no ill effects. I don't think you will notice any reprocussions of them either.