Small white worms?


Hey Everyone...I'm new to the board and reef tanks. I've been running a saltwater tank for over two years now and I've decided fish just weren't enough for me. So a few days ago I bought 16 lbs of LR, some live sand and an anemone. As I was looking at my tank I noticed some movement against the glass. There were tiny white teardrop shaped worms or slugs scooting around. They are about a milimeter or two long and a bit thicker than the width of a hair. I was just wondering if they are benificial to the tank, or if I should do something about them.
Thanks, Mike


I tried to take one earlier but they are to small to catch on my camera :(
But if you can imagine is white and about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.


I have a 220 cycling now. Four days ago I woke up and the glass and sides were full of them. Literally, millions..... I was concerned too, but patience..... In two days their numbers dwindled. Now there are a few but not millions.....I think it will all cycle out. Oh, I added 60lbs of LR two days prior to the outbreak.
Hope this helps


Well my tank has been running for over two years..but I did just add 16lbs of LR so maybe that did it. Do you know what they are by chance?