Smaller place, bigger tank...My 200DD build

eric b 125

Active Member
So I noticed a few ich spots on the flame angel the other day. I guess the ato on the qt stopped working and the salinity broke hypo.

I'm going to slowly raise the salinity over a week, make another fish order, and start hypo on all of them. In the meantime I'm going to fix the ato this weekend and mix a bunch of 1.009 water so I can keep up with the increased bioload in the qt.

eric b 125

Active Member
So this is what I'm thinking of ordering. It will be a cramped QT, but the tangs are both small (~3") and I'll just have to keep up with 50% water changes every week:
1 green clown goby
1 Mandarin (will go right into DT)
1 Naso
6 female lyretail anthias

eric b 125

Active Member
I'm going to place this order late tonight so that it gets processed tomorrow and delivered on Thursday. That will give me a few days to raise the salinity a bit.
My semester is pretty much over so I will have time in the mornings to do as many water changes as needed. Also, in 7 weeks I'm going to Bermuda for a week so I can have these fish in the DT for a week by the time I have to leave.

eric b 125

Active Member
I've gotten the salinity in the QT high enough that I can add the new fish. I've read that you can actually add fish right to 1.009 but I wanted to at least get it to 1.017. I'm also working on mixing 30 gallons of 1.009 for frequent hypo water changes and I have another 30 gallons of FW to get the QT back down to hypo. I fixed the ATO on the QT yesterday as well.

eric b 125

Active Member
Fish order placed for:
1 Naso
1 Mandarin
1 Green Clown Goby
6 Female Lyretail Anthias

To be delivered on Friday

eric b 125

Active Member
Usually I do a lot of windsurfing this time of year. But since every day isn't windy, and because I work a lot (usually on the windy days) I got an inflatable tandem kayak that I can just leave in the car and take out on short paddles before work. It's rated up to Class IV rapids, but haven't gotten on whitewater yet. Here's a picture of #zendog on the kayaks maiden voyage.


eric b 125

Active Member
Good news and not so good news....
The fish are scheduled for delivery at 10:30a tomorrow which will give me plenty of time to acclimate them before work.
The not so good news is that the dino's are coming back. I have too much $ invested in corals at this point to do another long lights-out period. Since I'm going to be stuck inside tomorrow acclimating the fish, I'm going to attach a filter sock to the end of a siphon hose and attempt to remove them by siphoning water into my sump. I also have some cyano that needs to be removed. I will do a two day lights out period and will try to keep up with them through siphoning.

eric b 125

Active Member
All of the fish except the Naso got delivered today. Will have to call the place I ordered them from re: the naso. They are all alive and acclimating now.

In the meantime, I'm taking every measure I can imagine to get rid of the dinos before they get out of hand.
- I'm siphoning them off of the rocks into a filter sock
-Going to start a two day complete blackout w/ tarp around tank.
-Running carbon
-Raising pH slowly
-wet skimming
-water change on sunday
-will change phosban on sunday as well

eric b 125

Active Member
Everything made it through the night okay except the green clown goby, which is looking like it might die. The salinity is down to 1.011, so later today I hope to start hypo.

eric b 125

Active Member
Lost my flame angel this morning, so went out and replaced it. Got the QT down to hypo, so the countdown begins today.

eric b 125

Active Member
I also did a 5 gallon water change on the QT, and have another 15 gallons of 1.009 on standby.

I dosed the DT with Red Slime Remover and mixed up a 30 gallon water change. I'm going back and forth on tearing the tank down and restarting it with new sand and bleaching the rocks.

Thinking about getting the new QD drivers for my mp40's and using them in conjunction with the Gyre.

eric b 125

Active Member
So, I had called the place I ordered the fish through and told them I didn't want them to send the Naso that they didn't send. For one, I started lowering the salinity on day one. Secondly, I work weird hours so I'm not always here to receive fish and have time to acclimate them. Anyways, I got an e-mail yesterday notifying me that I have a package in the mail from this place to be delivered today at 10:30. I can only assume it's the Naso tang. Of course, I'm having a bad ich break out in the QT...

eric b 125

Active Member
Got the Naso into's 5". Needless to say, the QT is packed to the gills (heh heh heh). I did a 5 gallon w/c on the QT last night and one this morning. I think that's going to be my routine: a 5 gallon w/c every day for a month to keep ammonia down. All of the un-eaten food and detritus settle in the first chamber of the sump, so it's easy to siphon out. I can't wait to have these fish in the DT. They'll look so nice in a large tank. It's going to be a busy month keeping the QT healthy, but I want to do it right: feed a variety of foods throughout the day, daily w/c's, and close observation.

eric b 125

Active Member
Over the next few days I'm going to clean my VorTechs and order the QD drivers. They're on back order but at least I'll be in the que.

I'm also going to look into a small bench, ottoman, or night stand that will match the DT stand. I want to conceal the CO2 bottle and move the electrical switches to outside of the stand. Something to do while I wait for QT to end.

eric b 125

Active Member
Still seeing signs of ich in the QT, mostly on the PBT (unsurprisingly). I leave the lights off during the day when I'm at work and when I come home I turn them on briefly and the PBT is covered in spots. I'm honestly surprised that he has survived the last two nights but in the mornings he looks much much better. I'm hoping the spots disappear in the next few days so I can start the countdown.

I've only successfully QT'd with hypo one time and I've admittedly made this QT a little more complex because of the heavy bioload. I'll feel real good about my husbandry if everything makes it out alive. This was going to be my last fish order, but there might be a few more fish that I want to get. We'll have to see how discouraging this process becomes, LOL.