Smaller place, bigger tank...My 200DD build

eric b 125

Active Member
DT is done being painted. The reservoir tank will probably need another coat or two.

Also got some work done on the light hangers:


eric b 125

Active Member
Pretty much ready to paint the light hangers. Just have to trim off the extra threading above the nuts on the eye bolts


eric b 125

Active Member
Some things went down at work last week which resulted in me working another nurses shifts. I have Thursday off so I'm hoping to have the hangers painted and installed then. I'm not very accurate in guessing the amount of time each project will take, lol. But I'm getting a little bit done every day so at least I'm moving in the right direction.

eric b 125

Active Member
Another little setback this morning before work... I am unable to remove the rear center brace on the stand, which means I will not be able to fit a 20L reservoir tank under there. The best I'll be able to do is a standard 10g. I'm not too happy about it, but using a 10 gallon will allow me to remove the sump without having to move heaven and earth. I will probably keep some aerated FW in the fish closet to top off the reservoir without having to run the kati/ani all the time.

I'm going to go grab a 10g on my way to work and I'll try spray painting it tomorrow, rather than brushing it on since that takes a few days. I'm trying to have the DT in it's final place tomorrow night.

eric b 125

Active Member
Looking good, tagging along!
Thanks man. The build is starting to take off.

Got the first two coats on the light hangers this morning...

...and then the yard service came and started cutting the grass :(. I talked to them and they said they'd steer clear of this stuff, but I won't be surprised if I have to sand and repaint :mad:. So it goes. My fingers are crossed.

Yesterday I brought home a 20H hoping it would fit in lieu of the 20L for the reservoir tank. No dice. A 10 gallon it is, then. Guess I'm off to P-co again today.

eric b 125

Active Member
Sorry about the poor pictures... Still haven't gotten around to placing floor lamps and those ceiling lights create a lot of glare.

eric b 125

Active Member
nice! i can tell this tank is gona be sweet.
Thanks man! I'm going to start working on the plumbing in the next few days. I'm spread pretty thin b/w work and school, especially now that I'm working that other nurses schedule, but it's forcing me to take my time with the build. Next weekend is my weekend off so I'm really hoping to be able to FW test on Saturday and start cycling on Sunday. All the rock has been cooking for months, so it should be a short cycle.

eric b 125

Active Member
I also need to figure out a safe way to keep my 3 DJ switch strips safe in the cabinet. I was thinking of building a box to keep water droplets off of them but I'm just a little concerned with humidity. I've seen people that just have them suspended from the top of the stand, with no real protection and no issues. I would really appreciate any ideas you guys might have.


Well-Known Member
taking your time is the best thing you could do. it gives you more time to not make mistakes. just a suggestion... maybe you could put the switchs on the side of the tank wher that big opening is on the side of the stand, paint it black to match the stand. that way you dont haft to worry about salt creep or it getting wet.

eric b 125

Active Member
Those openings have panels that go over them, plus I need a good bit of that space to place/access my reactors.

eric b 125

Active Member
Going to start the plumbing today. Usually I really enjoy plumbing but I'm so fried from school and work that I really just want to be lazy today.

eric b 125

Active Member
Got the 10 gallon reservoir tank painted today. It was my first time spray painting instead of rolling paint on and it was so much easier to spray.


eric b 125

Active Member
Also started plumbing. Got the overflow plumbing pretty much done. Still have to work on the standpipes. I haven't glued them together yet so if you see something wrong with it, please let me know. This is a BeanAnimal set up. From left to right in all pictures: full siphon, open channel, emergency channel.


eric b 125

Active Member
I will be adding a support for the long horizontal stretch, on the rear center vertical support of the stand
