Smallest Anemone


I'm going to setup a 20g reef with a 26g fuge. I was just wondering what would be the smalles anemone that I could keep in my tank? I know they need MH, I only have pcs right now. But by the time I get my tank up and running I'll get some MH.


you don't have to have mh as long as you have ample pc lighting.
true perc & false perc are different species but their behavior and appearance is similar. false (ocellaris) is much easier to keep and recommended for beginners.
fish will grow in proportion to the size of the tank, generally. and anemone growth depends heavily on how you feed it (solid food, not light). i feed mine regularly and it's tripled in size to about 12" in diameter.


Percs and Ocellaris (false percs) rarely accept Sebae's as their host anemones... You would be much happier with a BTA if those are the the clowns you choose... I would have to disagree with mryoung about Ocellaris being hardier than true Perculas... The main difference is that most Ocellaris are tank bred where as most Percs are wild caught... The tank bred or aquacultured fish are generally hardier and more disease resistant... So if you can find an aquacultured Perc, it will be just as hardy as an aquacultured Ocellaris...


so there is a higher probability that a "caught" clownfish will host a bta than a tank bred?
what bta would you recommend for my 20g reef with 25gfuge/sump?