Smallest hippo tang ever?


Active Member
I just saw a very, very, small hippo...probably about 1/2", this may be pushing it, at a LFS. Is it possible to raise a tang this small to maturity? I honestly have never seen one this small. If you look at the picture on the Value menu on the left it is probably this small. It seems to be very active, eats very well, but because of its size I am leary about its outcome. Any thoughts? Very curious.


Active Member
I have seen hippos that small a couple of times, but I don't know how hard they are to raise.


Active Member
I was first fasinated with the fact that even that small they look like the one's you normally buy!! Then Second, shocked that they wanted $44.99 for the fish!! This floored me. :scared:


Active Member
yes i have seen that to and thought about buyin one
but to me i look at the size if its to small i think its rong for it to b held in tanks u no wat i mean
my lfs has a lot fo baby fish
i hope they dont do it a lot because fish r living things 2!


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
ICH magnets if you ask me!

I have heard alot of people say that.

joe 09

i bought a small hippo,no bigger than my thumb nail.i Q tank it for about a month,made sure it was eating well and put it in the got a little ich.left it alone.ich cleared and 1yr. latter it is about 3 in. and doing well.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I also have purchased a little Hippo about 1/2". I had him in a 20gal. reef tank grew fast was 2" in one year, move him to a 135gal. FO tank. It is true they are ick mag. She lived for 2 1/2 years b4 ick killed her. I was sad to see her go, these are very good fish personality wise a little ski dish but very good eaters loves algae sheets. I would make sure to QT and soak food with Vitamins and garlic. Good luck you will enjoy the Hippo. ***)


im pretty sure he got stressed from being in such a small tank and thus makeing him succeptible to ich and ultimately killing him.


I got a very small one from my lfs for 49.99!!! about three months ago. I put her in a 20 gallon by herself. She is doing very well and eats like a pig. I am in the process of setting up a 180 in my dining room. That is going to be her new home very soon. I have not had any problems with sickness as everyone talks about with tangs....


Active Member
Well, I have been pondering this question for a few days try it, or just let it be? I think I will stop by the store after work tonight and if she is still there I will bring her home. She really was a cutie. I will of course quarantine her before going in my display. I'll keep you posted. Thanks all. Oh, got me rolling with that one!!!


Active Member
Well, I am sad to say that the one I saw the other day had been bought. But, from all of your reply's I think I will definately be looking out for another one. It sure was a cutie!!


New Member
I purchased a hippo tang that was about 1/2 an inch long, at first it was very difficult to entice her to start eating but eventually she came around. It is now one of my favorite fish :).


Active Member
IMO, hippos or any fish for that matter should NOT be collected so small!!!! I've have no seen very many make it being that small. It drives me crazy why they would collect that small. If it was up to me, I would not collect anything less than 3" which IMO have a much better survival rate!