Smallest Lionfish?


Active Member
Could be a stupid question, but I love Lions. I think they're so pretty. I have a hex tank up in my room that is currently housing a Jack Dempsy Chiclid, but he's going to daddy's house soon when he upgrades his 20 long to a 55 for his chiclids. I've had this tank since I was a four year old having fun with fancy guppies and I have no idea how many gallons it is. I think maybe 8-12, but I'm not sure. How can I find out for a hex tank?
Anyways, I think the dwarf fuzzy lion is the smallest, right? I was wondering if maybe when I get rid of my chiclid, I can turn that tank into a salty and put one itty bitty lion in there. The lid has a filter section built in, but it's not much. Intake pump, carbon area, biowheel, and then it flows back in. I can take out the carbon and the biowheel and hopefully put in better filtration. I was thinking a tiny bag of chemipure, and maybe a sponge? There's no way to attach a skimmer, either. I'd like to have a small sandbed and maybe a few lbs of LR, unless the lions graze off of the LR which in that case it's out of the question (might already be out of the question lol).
Anyone think this is the worst idea in the world?
And if so, is there any kind of neat-o species only kind of thing I could put in here? I was thinking a mantis, but the footprint of the tank is pretty small.


Active Member
I'll admit I push the limits on my tanks. But a fuzzy would be too small for that when he grew to adult size.


Active Member
Is there an even smaller lionfish? J/W. I like this tank cause it already has a top with a light and filter system, so I'm determined to use it for something. xD
Any small groupers? Eels? Anything?

small triggers

Active Member
I was just readying and you could do Richardsons Moray or a Golden dwarf,, (though you have to be DILIGENT on all tank maintenance) these morays do not get larger than 16" and can be housed in smaller tanks, if it is only 8 gallons though i still think this may be to small, easiest way to figure it out, buy a 5 gallon bucket from the home depot to move the chiclid in,, and then use it to empty the rest of the tank,, then add how many time you have to empty it>>> i dont know the calculations on a hex to figure gallons, im kinda simple,lol


Active Member
I think I"m reconsidering this. I'll get another tank for lions, maybe a 55 or something, but I do want them eventually. I guess I'll just use this tiny tank as either a QT or just another little tank to have in my room. Maybe I'll keep a few damsels. Thanks for the input, guys.


infact Fu man chu lions are the smallest lion, however, they seldom come in under a few inchs- it seems that only late stage juveniles are collected, whereas I've seen tiny dime sized baby dwarf zebra, and fuzzy lions.
Anyway, the major problem w/ any lion in 8-12 gals is pollution. Water parameters could swing quickly and wildly in such a small volume of water. So really you'd have to consider frequent water changes as your solution.
Lastly, 1 or 2 leaf fish might work in this small volume.


Active Member
Haha I fianally decided against this pretty much, at least for the dangerous species thing. Decided to make it into a little nano tank with a few damsels or a firefish or something. Thanks for all the help though, guys! =)


New Member
Eehhh, I had a Lion for a couple of years and it was maintenance. Good thing you decided against it.