What's the Smallest Shark Species available?
I'd like to have one but I wouldn't want it to get over 12" in length b/c of the tank size I'd need. I want to have a 150g. aggressive tank and would love for a dwarf type shark in there. or even a very small stingray...
No shark will stay under 12 inches, smallest shark is a cat shark. but they will need at least a 180. I had a banded cat in a 125 for a while. I sold it to a buddy that had a 240.
Unfortunately...it's not gonna happen.
There's not a single species (Ray or Shark), that'll fit in a tank that size.
The smallest (available) species, of shark, is the Coral Cat Shark, but that's still too big.
EDIT: Reeftank27 beat me to it!
Actually there is a very small growing shark, only people will never manage to keep one for it is a deep water shark and it grows some 8-9" only and is in the family group of sleeper sharks and being that it be something none of us could keep in our tanks, I will not bother to list the data on this species and I believe is the smallest of any sharks around.
Coral cat shark would be your smallest shark choice. I don't recommend keeping one unless you plan on upgrading or donating the shark to a public aquarium. If your 150gal is 5ft long 2ft wide then I wouldn't get one period. They should at LEAST have a tank that is 7ft.
in the book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" it says "Size. Adult sizes range from less than 7 inches(Perry's Lantern Shark). But i can't find any information on the web if anyone knows any information or finds some about them please let me know!
the only sharks that stay under 14" are very deep water sharks and have never been alive in captivity. Even if you could get one you'd have to keep lights off 24/7 so you wouldn't be able to see it anyway :thinking: