Originally Posted by
Well, been a whole 3 days now and I have learned that the only time I use an abbreviation is when I'm in a hurry. Usually the last thing I say... GB-goodbye... Etc...
As far as parents and kids though... IMing is just plain fun. It has nothing to do with the "relationship" between kids and folks. I am sure I don't know everything he does, nor do I want to, but he has his online friends... He sends me IMs and he's one room away! They're just goofy fun!
But what the heck is all that mumbo jumbo you wrote ImUrNamine??
Your talking way to fast for us old folks!! LOL...
Yeah, I said it, LOL....
It's ramble.
OMG = oh my gaw
WTH = what the heck
WTF = what the f
BBQ = barbeque, of course
BRB = be right back
BBL = be back later
BBIAF = be back in a few
B = back
LOL = laugh out loud
ROFL = rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO = rolling on floor laughing my arse off