Smokey water.....Help


New Member
How's everybody doing? 2 days ago I noticed that one of my angels had ick. I treated the water at that time with medication
(Rid-Ich+). Yesterday night I made a 20% water change and I
treated again with Rid-Ich+, but also added Stress Zyme and a water clarifier. I don't know what I was thinking about at the time but that was a big mistake. About an hour later I found the water to be smokey, like there was a reaction going on in the water, smoke all around the water and my fish were breathing pretty fast. I quickly took all the fish out(what a job that was) and place them in my quarantine tank. I did another
20% water change this morning but still water is smokey. my question is How to get rid of this cloud in the water? What did I do wrong? Was it the mixture of all these 3 products? Now I'm afraid of using anything in the tank. I also notice all my hermit crabs on the highest point of the tank all together. I want to get rid off this smokey water so I could place my fish back in the main tank. The tank is a 265 gallons with Live rock and Live sand, fish only with a canister filter, uv stabilizer and a protein skimmer. It's been set up for about 2 years now. Any help would be appreciated. thanks. :help: :help: :help: :help:


Your hermits maybe acting strange because the Rid Ich is killing them. Rid Ich is not safe for invertebrates; I also would say that it is a bad idea to use it with live rock and sand. You will kill much of the life in your live rock. I would suggest treating the fish in Quarantine with Hyposalinity. See the Disease forum for more info. I would not use the Rid Ich; hypo is the best treatment for ich.
Have you added any new fish lately that may have introduced the ich?


Active Member
You have a large tank and this will take a bit, but Carbon and water changes are still your best bet...
And I'm sure there's no point in "rideing you" about "treating" in the Main tank, but for anyone else that may be tempted...This is why you should Not do it...:nope:


New Member
I guess I learned my lesson:scared: , Is there anything outhere
you could use that's safe to treat on main tank? Is an adventure
with a large tank(265G.) and lots of live rock to catch your fish.


Active Member
There really isn't any good "in tank" fix for Ick...
As far as treating in a QT...May "seem" like a lot of work...
But which is going to be "easier"...??
Moving some rock and catching some fish to treat in QT...
Or...Dosing the Main tank, messing everything up, still have to move rock and catch fish, put them in QT to "save" them, treat them in the QT, chance killing everything else in the MT, running large amounts of carbon, and changing hundreds of gallons of water to "flush out" the MT...??
Again, I'm not trying to "kick you when your down"...I only say this because I've "Been there...Done That"...:yes:
Unfortunately, It's only "after" you've gone through this that you can "fully" understand the "wisdom" of "QT"ing all new fish, and Treating in a HT...
Hope "somebody" is listening...


New Member
I hear you, thanks for the info and the time. One more ? When you quarantine a new fish for 6weeks, Don't they get stress out again going from the quaratine tank to the main tank? Would they get stress out and get sick again by doing this?


Active Member
Not really...I mean obviously any change (water conditions, tank size, tank mates) will cause "some" level of stress, but YOU have the ability to minimize that...
The "relative" level of stress would be MUCH less than that of when you first get your fish...
Stress from being caught, held, shipped to distributor, shipped to LFS (or you) and transfered to QT will be much greater...
This is why the "new acquisition" needs a chance to settle down, start eating, and get comfortable while being "observed" for the possibility of infection/sickness "prior" to being added to the MT...(treating if needed)
If the fish proves "healthy" in QT the "minor" adjustment to the MT should not cause an adverse reaction...


New Member
How do you transfer the fish from the quarantine tank to the main tank after the 6 weeks? What procedure?
Thanks :confused: :nervous:


I've used Kent RX-P for getting rid of ich on my stupid Damsels and I have found it pretty subtle on my inverts and LR. I had no problems at all and noted normal behavior from my inverts.
One thing, when you're treating for ich, don't do water changes. I know you have a clouding problem but for the medicine to be effective, you shouldn't do any water changes for about 2 weeks (according to the dosage). I'd say quarantine your inverts and possibly LR.


New Member
How do you transfer your fish from Quarantine tank to Main tank without stressing the fish out after the 6 weeks?
Thanks. :confused: :help:


I similar thing happened to me a year ago, and unfortunately you may have to do a complete water change.:scared:



Originally posted by bigvic
How do you transfer your fish from Quarantine tank to Main tank without stressing the fish out after the 6 weeks?
Thanks. :confused: :help:

They're going to be stressed in some way no matter what. Just treat them like new fish to the tank -- acclimate them.


Active Member
Moving fish from QT to main tank really doesn't have to be a "stressfull" event...
1.Generally your QT is "smaller" and has much less "decoration" LR etc.. for fish to hide in so your not "chasing them around while your trying to catch them...
2.Transfer water from your main tank to QT to "acclimate" them prior to moving...this can be done over the course of the last two or three days of QT...By the time your ready to move them they should be in darn near 100% MT water...(also a good excuse to do a WC or two on MT)...
3.Lower water in QT to a couple inches so it's quick and easy to catch your fish...
4.If QT water has been "changed" to MT specs you can move fish right from QT to MT and they'll be fine
5. General TankMate/Territory precautions would still apply...