Smoking Bubble Tip


New Member
Earlier I noticed our bubble tip looked absolutely it had ever been...later tonight, was watching and all of a sudden it started smoking!?!?!?! Is it dying? What is wrong????????

tx reef

Active Member
They do have a whitish/clear secretion that I have seen. Nothing to worry about...mine does this sometimes and the flow in my tank always blows it off.....not sure what it is, though.
Thomas712 would know......

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by mswblw

Disregard my last post then.....
It is most likely just waste....moniter the anemone closely if you are worried but I do not think that this is a major concern...


New Member
Whew! Alright that eased my mind...I was afraid to turn in with what I might see in the morning! Thanks.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by mswblw
later tonight, was watching and all of a sudden it started smoking!?!?!?!

Did you tell the anemone that smoking was bad for it's health?
:hilarious Sorry....couldn't resist.


Sounds like similar spawning events that I have heard about with regards to other species of anemones.
What color was this smoke? Certain spawing events have caused a large scale ammonia spike in some tanks.


New Member
It was a translucent whitish smoke...similar to that of someone actually smoking a cigarette...


To me that looks like a spawning event, but whether it is from the anemone or the clown fish is the question. Check for clown eggs just in case.
If you saw this coming straight out of the anemone's mouth then I'd say spawning event on the part of the anemone. Its simply not dark enough to be zooxanthellae.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
To me that looks like a spawning event, but whether it is from the anemone or the clown fish is the question. Check for clown eggs just in case.
If you saw this coming straight out of the anemone's mouth then I'd say spawning event on the part of the anemone. Its simply not dark enough to be zooxanthellae.
Sorry about the confusion..... :thinking:
My question and photo and link to my older thread with more photos was to help mswblw determine what was happening with his/her anemone.....