smoking ???


Active Member
my 55 has just finished its cycle and i just thought of something, i`m a smoker, does the smoke in the air somehow get in the tank and affect the water and if so, how ???
thanks, from a smoker


Active Member
top 3 causes of fish deaths:
1. tangs in tanks that are too small
2. lung cancer
3. carpet surfing
you be the judge.
seriously though, I don't think you'll have a problem unless you are just carelessy blowing the smoke into the tank. my dad was a smoker and had a successful tank for 20+ years without a problem. I hope that you at least try to keep the house ventilated enough so the air in the house is breathable, right? if so, I don't think you'll have a problem.


Active Member
The air in the tank is only as clean as the surrounding air unless its filtered. Aquariums in bars and casinos have filthy air. I remember reading something about this years ago. Cant give you any facts on this sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
The air in the tank is only as clean as the surrounding air unless its filtered. Aquariums in bars and casinos have filthy air. I remember reading something about this years ago. Cant give you any facts on this sorry.

never thought about ones in bars ands stuff .... thanks
was just a thought that popped in my head


I am a smoker and I have had a saltwater tank for over 1 year and I have not lost anything in my tank... You are good don't worry fish don't die from 2nd hand smoke!


Active Member
Thats interesting. :thinking: Since fish have no hands can they be effected by second hand smoke? :hilarious
Fish dont have lungs like we do, they breath through osmosis by absorbing disolved O2 in the water. If this O2 level is less that what the fish requires the fish has to breath harder to take in the same ammount of O2. Unlike their freshwater counterparts, marine fish are also hypo-osmotic meaning they drink constantly. This constant injestion of seawater makes marine fish more succeptible to polutants in the water. Unless you are in a very smokey environment like a bar or casino I wouldnt worry too much about it. But clean air is always better IMHO.


You know. This is a great thought!.
Maybe we should submit it to a college, or soemthing as a test idea?. (mythbuster even LOL).
Does smoke effect the quality of the water and the oxygen in the water?


New Member
Where do you think that your air pump gets its air from? The surrounding air. Its just like you dont want to use any cleaners around your pump as it can put the fumes right into the water.


Active Member
:thinking: ya know i lose more packs of of cigarettes in my house and they never show up
im wondering if my smoking around my fish have made them addicted.and my fish are accually steeling them :thinking: and here all this time i was blaming my teenagers


Active Member
S**t in s**t out :hilarious
"If you have a college degree, you can be sure of one thing. You have a college degree"


Active Member
you can introduce toxins by smoking... not just from the smoke in the air, but the toxins that stick to your fingers... dont smoke while doing maintenance because your hands are dirty and you could drop your cigarette or ash into the tank...
the odds of doing harm i really dont know, but just wash your hands before you touch your tank...
you can introduce fumes from paint to a tank but the cigarette or cigar smoke...who knows...unless you have alot of people smoking at the same time and no ventilation, i dont think i would worry... JM.02


Active Member
Originally Posted by romansjt
Where do you think that your air pump gets its air from? The surrounding air. Its just like you dont want to use any cleaners around your pump as it can put the fumes right into the water.
Shouldn't use air-pumps anyway on salt tanks since they cause more problems then anything else.... Unless your using it on a skimmer, then that's a different story.... I'm a smoker, my fish aren't suffering!!! But we do have a smoking room, no smoking in the rest of the house. We have two FW tanks in the smoking room. They're doing just fine after a year and a half. :happyfish


The answer is no unless you smoke and blow over the water on a daiy basis, think of all the air pollution off the flordia keys and such.... you dont have anything to worry about in my opinion air pollition is everywhere... not just in the home..!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltyreef7
think of all the air pollution off the flordia keys and such.... .!!
What air pollution off the keys? We don't have industry here.


Active Member
hey, thanks everyone for you input, no i don`t blow smoke at the tank and yes i wash my hands before i even touch my tanks
looks like it turned out to be a pretty good