smoothhoud shark


New Member
was just wondering if anyone's had any luck keeping a brown smoothhound shark....if i'm not mistaken they grow to like a maximum length of 3 feet which seems acceptable if one were to keep it in say a 400-500 gallong tank wouldn't it?....
mind you i've no plans to keep one at this point in time but just wanted to find out if anyone has even attempted to keep one and how they're doing with it.......
thanx again for your time.....

tony detroit

Active Member
The gray's gret somewhere in mid forty inch area I believe
The browns max at 37 inches, but just because that is shorter than your tank, those things swim so dang fast that a 8' long tank isn't exactly a long stretch for them.
I have a 12" grey smooth houng thats cool. My tank is about 99" long and he just chills all over. All he does is poks his nose out of the water and swimms around. He eats well and should be fine for years to come. They are slow growers for our size tanks. Just watch how you feed them.
Prett weird HUH. I have no idea what he is doing but thats all he does. When I take my lids off for feeding you can practically see eyes and all. What ever makes him happy.:p


Hahaha! Mine just did that and it freaked me out because I thought he was going to jump out. I placed towels across the back of my tank so he cant jump out in the areas where the hoses are. Great shark!!


I've had a similar experience with my gray... Very active sharks that sticks its head out of the water a lot.


New Member
Thanx for the great feedback guys.....seems like they're a lil more viable to keep in the home aquarium than a black anyone kind enough to post pics of their smoothhounds?... :D


I'll post pics in a few. For some reason my SH wont eat anymore. It's been two days. It ate whole shrimp each time I dropped them in. Could it be it's just full???

tony detroit

Active Member
My brownbanded cat went 4 or 5 days once. I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as all water parameters are fine. Run some water tests, see what it looks like.